After the farce in Mongolia, the European Union strongly calls for the arrest of V. Putin and his accomplices

According to the article, the corresponding statement was made during the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna. The EU expresses deep concern about the fate of Ukrainian children and other civilians illegally displaced by Russia.

“The European Union once again calls on Russia and Belarus to immediately ensure their safe return to Ukraine,” the statement said.

In addition, the EU demands the immediate release of all persons illegally detained by the Russian Federation, “including the three arbitrarily detained OSCE staff”.

“We recall the six arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court, including the arrest warrant for President Vladimir Putin for war crimes related to the illegal deportation and rendition of Ukrainian children. All states, parties to the Rome Statute, must execute arrest warrants issued by the ICC,” the OSCE noted.

in 2023 In March, the ICC issued international arrest warrants for President Vladimir Putin and Children’s Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova for the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children.

March 5 of this year. The ICC issued arrest warrants for Viktor Sokolov and Sergey Kobylash, high-ranking Russian military officers, on reasonable suspicion of war crimes – targeting civilian objects and causing excessive accidental damage to the civilian population or damage to civilian objects and crimes against humanity.

Tass/Former Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and former Deputy Minister Pavel Popov

June 25 The ICC has issued arrest warrants for former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, who were involved in the 2022 in the strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities that began in the fall. These strikes were directed against the civilian population of Ukraine and therefore have the characteristics of a war crime and crimes against humanity.

At the beginning of the month, V. Putin visited Mongolia, which has ratified the Rome Statute, but Ulaanbaatar did not arrest the Russian president.
