AI as a tool against cyber threats: A game changer?

Danish companies expect to increase cyber security budgets significantly over the next 12 months.

And there are AI in particular that stands on the agent when cyber security is to be strengthened.

The cyber threat is real and increasing. Last year, every Danish company was hit on average by 2,521 cyber attacks per week, and the number of cyber attacks aimed at Danish companies has increased by as much as 49% in just one year.
I PwC’s årlige Cybercrime Survey, som netop er offentliggjort, kan man læse, at 66% af virksomhederne vil øge deres sikkerhedsbudget for de næste 12 måneder. Almost 2 out of 3 (64%) expects to increase investments by over 10%. Så der er tale om markant øgede investeringer.

Dubex A/S

  1. Back up data

