AI Description for SEO: AI Overviews in the Knowledge Panel

In the mobile area, AI Overviews now appear for various knowledge panel descriptions, such as for the keyword SEO. Previously, they were only available for animals and people.

Search results generated by generative AI are increasingly making their way into Google’s SERPs. The search engine wants to gradually integrate AI Overviews into the entire search experience. Initially, these results were only available in the experimental Search Generative Experience (SGE). During the first half of 2024, however, Google began integrating the AI ​​Overviews from the SGE into standard search – initially only in the USA. Ads will also be integrated as part of these search results, so that Google can use the new inventory areas in the search results cosmos for advertising monetization.

First and foremost, however, the AI ​​overviews are intended to provide searchers with valuable and comprehensive information at first glance. This is precisely what is now possible in more and more knowledge panel contexts.

Google brings ads into AI overviews

– and various new AI tools for retailers and advertisers

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Google’s AI Overviews in the Knowledge Panel: More information on general topics

In Knowledge Panels Users can find information on specific search queries for which there is a large amount of data in the Knowledge Graph These are often details about famous people, animal species, places or sights, or even TV series. The knowledge panels are automatically generated based on various data sources. And Google is now increasingly displaying AI overviews in this area. Initially, these AI overviews were only for people and animal species, but now more panels are also available on other topics in the mobile English-language search. SEO expert Brodie Clark reports on this on his blog.

The descriptions are rewritten by Google’s Gen AI systems and not drawn from individual websites. In the example, there is a definition of the practice of SEO. In the AI ​​Overview, this refers to several sources; the Knowledge Panel without this AI Overview is only derived from Wikipedia. Clark provides some examples on the blog, such as a description for digital marketing.

In Germany, we still see knowledge panels without AI Overview. Google has so far blamed regulatory uncertainties, and the use in the EU is still pending. However, since Google wants to integrate these overviews worldwide in the long term, it may only be a matter of time before they change the picture in the SERPs here too. Most recently, there was a Roll-out des Features for the markets of Japan, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, India and Great Britain.

Google integrates AI Overviews from SGE into standard search

– worldwide

Google Search Generative Experience information, overview in desktop mockup against purple background
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