AI may be used to create a new edition of the Moscow Red Book

How told The head of the capital’s Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection, Yulia Urozhaeva, told the Moscow City News Agency that they plan to involve teams from “the best universities in Russia and the world” in the work on the Red Book project.

“Now, using fairly simple artificial intelligence methods, they can already distinguish tree species and big cat species from space images. They can determine the species of a whale by its tail,” Urozhaeva said.

A representative of the Moscow government said that traditionally, work on the Red Book involves biologists walking through “forests and fields” and recording the species of plants and animals they notice.

However, now the authorities want to make the work on the new edition “the most effective and most interesting”. At the same time, the exact dates for the re-publication of the Red Book of Moscow are still unknown.

Photo: Unsplash
