Airbus tackles automated aircraft taxiing

With this strange machine, Airbus is launching the Optimate project, aimed at testing the possibility of developing an automated taxiing solution for aircraft. And this in order to improve the safety of a phase that is more critical than it seems, especially since the increasing density of air traffic promises to congest airports even more.

An A350 cockpit on board

Airbus UpNext, the European aircraft manufacturer’s entity that explores disruptive technologies, has modified an electric truck for its needs by embedding the main systems of an A350 cockpit. Above all, the vehicle is loaded with cutting-edge automation technologies: radars, infrared cameras, lidar (laser detection), high-precision GPS system, inertial technology, etc. With this project, which is part of the group’s work seeking to make aircraft more autonomous, Airbus will be able to define the ideal range of technologies, also based on a strong dose of connectivity and artificial intelligence. The first tests were carried out in Toulouse. The aim: to achieve a complete 100% automated flight in 2026, with two pilots on board, including the taxiing of an aircraft, but also takeoff, cruise, landing and routing to the parking area.
