Alarko’s second ‘changed atmosphere’ school

Mehmet Hanifi Gulel

Alarko Carrier continues to create comfortable classrooms for students with its air conditioning expertise with the charity project ‘The Air of Schools is Changing’. The project, which started last year at Midyat Çaldere Primary School, was moved to Balabanlı Primary School in the Ödemiş district of İzmir this year.

A carbon neutral high-tech system consisting of a heat pump, heat recovery device, fan coil, air purifier, circulation pump and photovoltaic panel was installed in the primary school of Balabanlı Village, which was heated with coal stoves until now. The school, where the heating and cooling needs in the classrooms will be met with heat pump technology, will now produce its own electricity with a renewable system. With this system, the school will not have any coal, wood, kindling and electricity expenses, and cleaning costs will also decrease. Thus, it is anticipated that 400 thousand TL will be saved annually for the public good.

On the other hand, in the newly established system, the school’s basic heating and cooling needs will now be met by a heat pump, which is shown as a product of the future and offers an environmentally friendly technology. In the new system, the school’s basic heating and cooling needs will now be met by a heat pump, which is shown as a product of the future and offers an environmentally friendly technology. The heat pump will also be able to provide domestic hot water.

Indoor air quality

Alarko Carrier General Manager Cem Akan provided information about the details of the project at a meeting held in Izmir for the project, which was implemented to draw attention to the effects of air conditioning on children’s development and education life and to support education. General Manager Akan stated that indoor air quality in schools directly affects children’s health and academic performance and said: “In a classroom where the windows and doors are closed, the carbon dioxide level reaches its highest level during 40-minute lessons.

“Especially after the first 20-30 minutes, distraction and decreased efficiency can also be caused by the decrease in clean air in the environment. With our project, we aim to support children’s education on the one hand, and to draw attention to the effects of air conditioning on children’s development and educational life on the other.”

It will produce its own electricity with photovoltaic panels

Stating that they have created an environmentally friendly air conditioning system at Balabanlı Primary School, Alarko Carrier General Manager Cem Akan stated that in addition to the heat pump, a heat recovery device, fan coil, air purifier, circulation pump and photovoltaic panels were installed at the school. Akan said, “Balabanlı Primary School has become capable of producing its own electricity. The electricity consumption of other electrical devices will also be met.”
