Alba Parietti hit while skiing, fracture and 10 hours in hospital: photo in a wheelchair –

  • The 63-year-old showgirl took a risk: she would have been hit by an underage boy
  • Transported to Aosta hospital, the fracture was diagnosed
  • Now she finds herself forced to move around with crutches or a wheelchair

Alba Parietti she was the victim of a accident on the snow while he was on the sci in the Aosta Valley.

The 63-year-old showgirl was transported to hospital in Aosta where she was diagnosed with one “rima di fracture at the level of the external tibial hemiplateau, associated with minimal sinking of the same” and immobilized the leg.

It was she herself who shared it on social media, where she posted a wheelchair photo in the hospital and then a video at home with the guardian.

“During a day of skiing, I was hit by a minor which proceeded at great speed, at a time when the runways were almost empty. The accident caused me a knee injury and today I went to the Umberto Parini Hospital in Aosta to be examined”he explained.

Alba Parietti, 63 years old, in a wheelchair in hospital after the accident

“Italian public health is made up of great professionals who deserve respect and gratitude”he wanted to specify.

Alba had a good time 10 hours in hospitalbut thanks to doctors and healthcare workers he will eventually get through even if he will have to change his habits for several weeks.

Her son also commented on Alba’s post Francesco Oppini. The 42-year-old took it out on inexperienced skiers who put not only their own but also the lives of others at risk.

“The problem is people who are unable to ski and flock to the slopes once or twice a year without realizing how dangerous it can be for themselves and others. Skiing is first respect for others, then for oneself”he wrote.

Alba at home with her leg immobilized

Supporting and comforting Alba in these hours was her partner Fabio Adamimanager of Poste Italiane at his side for several years now.

The two were on holiday and now they will have to continue their stay in the mountains in a very different way than expected.
