Alliance of small brewers – a counterweight to multinational beer companies

Alliance of small brewers – a counterweight to multinational beer companies

Brewers’ associations of ten countries have created an alliance to defend the “diversity of craft beer specialties”.

Independent Brewers of Europe wants to create “a counterbalance to the increasing penetration of beer multinationals in Europe”, as they announced.

They claim that the heritage of the regional brewing tradition is threatened. The market is increasingly dominated by a few international large breweries that “consistently adapt their production to mass taste”.

They criticized the “price war” instigated by corporations, their dominance in advertising and, as they pointed out, unfair market practices.

The alliance consists of associations from Germany, Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Great Britain with almost 3,000 members.

The German representative is the Association of Private Breweries (Verband Private Brauereien), which sees itself as an alternative representative of the interests of small and medium-sized breweries. It exists in parallel with the German Brewers Association (Deutsche Brauer Bund).

The global beer market is highly concentrated. The top four corporations account for roughly half of the world’s beer production, according to an annual report published by the world’s leading hop trader BarthHaas. At the same time, there are also many small breweries.

Source: Seebiz

Photo: Pixabay
