Almost a million Britons are NOT WORKING because they are wrongly categorized as being too ill

Almost a million Britons are NOT WORKING because they are wrongly categorized as being too ill

Almost a million people in the UK are wrongly categorized as too ill to work, even though they are willing and able to get a job, according to a study by the Center for Social Justice (CSJ).

The study showed that unemployment in Britain is almost twice as high compared to official data, due to the increase in so-called hidden unemployment, reports the British Telegraph.

The CSJ found that at least 800,000 people who are out of work but want to get a job are receiving long-term sickness benefits.

Analysts state that this figure could reach a million people due to the growth of the unemployment rate, which increased to 4.1 percent from the lowest 3.6 percent two years ago.

Hidden unemployment refers to people who want and are able to work, but are not actively looking for work and are therefore not counted in the official unemployment rate.

Trušar Pandia, head of data and analysis at CSJ, warned that real unemployment is probably close to 2.5 million, not less than 1.5 million people of working age.

By July, there were 1.4 million unemployed in Britain, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This number includes all those who are unemployed and actively looking for work.

At the same time, 9.3 million people of working age are classified as economically inactive – they do not work, but they are not actively looking for work either. This group includes early retirees, stay-at-home parents, students and the chronically ill, and many have benefits even if they are not looking for work.

Source: 021, Tanjug

Photo: Pixabay
