Altair’s collaboration with Motiva on aerospace applications

Tags: Aerospace | Altair | HPC | HPCWorks | HyperWorks | Motivo | VTOL

Al­tair announces cooperation with Motiv, a company focused on the development of products in the field of mobility, energy, agricultural technology and aviation. Mo­ti­vo uses a combination of engineering consulting and Altair software to help organizations in the aerospace industry advance. Altair has a long history of supporting aerospace customers in creating safer, better and more sustainable aircraft.

Mo­ti­vo vy­u­ží­vá port­fo­lio tech­no­lo­gií Al­tai­ru k ře­še­ní kom­plex­ních ana­lýz a si­mu­la­cí in the development and testing of prototype aircraft propulsion systems. Motivo uses tools from different platforms Al­tair HPC­Works a Al­tair Hy­per­Works to meet performance and optimization design goals for subsystems and components such as propeller assemblies for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft.

The combination of technical experience, flexibility and powerful Altair computing software is a key factor contributing to the success of many Motiva projects. These technologies have streamlined processes, encouraged greater collaboration, and generally made it possible to design better products for clients faster.

Si­mu­lač­ní a vy­so­ce vý­kon­né vý­po­čet­ní ná­stro­je (HPC) Altair enable Motivo to streamline its design and development processes and leverage artificial intelligence (AI) engineering capabilities. It uses the motif kon­zul­tač­ní and Altair’s technical support to take their designs from concept to reality. Continuous access to Altair’s technical and industry knowledge – in addition to Altair’s software portfolio – helps Motiv meet design performance goals such as stiffness, fatigue life cycle, modal frequency, safety margin and more.
