Amazon Prime Day, our selection with the best offers

Amazon Prime Day has already begun, one of the most important sales campaigns of the well-known giant of the retail channel. A few days ago we shared with you a special article where we gave you some tips on how to get the best deals on Amazon Prime Day. Tips to make the most of this new campaignand today we have prepared a selection with some of the best offers we have found.

In general terms, the same approach as in previous years is maintained, which means that:

  • We have a huge number of offers on numerous products.
  • Most of the products on sale have free shipping and in just one day.
  • We enjoy the same advantages as in the normal season, both in terms of guarantee and return options.
  • We can also find flash offers, which have more marked discounts but last less time and are usually available in limited quantities.

If you are not subscribed to Amazon Prime and want to make the most of these offers, don’t worry because you still have time, since you can take advantage of the free subscription month that Amazon offers you through this link.

That said, make yourself comfortable, as we dive right into reviewing the offers we liked the most.

Computers and laptops


Consoles and video games

Smartphones, tablets and wearable gadgets

Smart TV and monitors

Accessories and peripherals

Note: This selection contains some links from our affiliates, but none of the products included have been proposed or recommended by them or their manufacturers, but chosen according to our own criteria.
