AMD accelerates debugging

With the company’s Driver Experiments function, problems on the application side can be well mapped even without the help of the manufacturer.

AMD has announced a new option for program developers, which was not needed before, but recently very widespread explicit APIs – unfortunately or fortunately – changed everything. In the case of DirectX 12 and Vulkan, if there is a problem, it is mostly due to a bug within the application, even if the program works fine on certain hardware. In this form, the manufacturers already work differently with the studios, the key to good performance is not the development of drivers (although this is also negligible), but the mapping of specific problems and helping to correct errors in the program code.


Until now, it was possible to search for individual technical problems in many ways, there are many debug tools and profilers, but it is often not easy to find where the error is. There are several cases where the manufacturer’s teams find out about this, because they have many more options in-house to follow what happens when the application is running. AMD has now released some of these options with Radeon Developer Panel v3.2, so developers can begin effective debugging without having to ask for help from the manufacturer.


The innovation is the company It’s called Driver Experimentsand are effectively functions that turn off certain capabilities one by one within the driver. This is not much different from what the manufacturers’ engineers do, only now the developers can do it too. This method can help identify individual errors within graphics applications, especially problems that arise from incorrect use of explicit APIs. Although the function is technically tied to Radeons with RDNA architecture, the problems it may reveal are sometimes manufacturer-independent, so the bug fixes made possible by the innovation may be important for other hardware as well.

By the way, Driver Experiments does not make the use of debug tools and profilers unnecessary, rather it complements them, making debugging more efficient, without having to turn to the already very overburdened production teams.
