An investigation may be launched into the Google-Samsung AI deal

An EU competition law investigation may be launched in connection with the multi-year agreement between Google and Samsung, the subject of which is that the search company will offer its generative AI technology, namely Gemini Nano, pre-installed on the pieces of the Galaxy S24 series.

The competition law body of the European Commission sent the market survey questionnaire to the market participants, which is typically considered the zero stage of such investigations. The purpose of the investigation – if the Commission initiates the procedure – will be to clarify whether the partnership could potentially put other chatbot developers at a disadvantage on the market. It is then possible to initiate proceedings against the company citing concerns about anti-competitive practices.

IT security meetup and Dénes Benk at SYSADMINDAY

The domestic SYSADMINDAY awaits you on July 19 with 4 great IT security presentations, a training prize fund of several million forints, and a standup by Dénes Benk.

IT security meetup and Dénes Benk at SYSADMINDAY
The domestic SYSADMINDAY awaits you on July 19 with 4 great IT security presentations, a training prize fund of several million forints, and a standup by Dénes Benk.

The questionnaire compiled by the EU competition authority asks, among other things, whether the pre-installation of Gemini Nano via a device or cloud limits the number of other generative AI systems that can be pre-installed on the same device. In the questionnaire, I also want to know if the pre-installation of Gemini Nano limits the cooperation between other chatbots and applications pre-installed on Samsung smartphones, and

The questionnaire also requests data from market participants on whether they have tried to reach an agreement with device manufacturers to pre-install their chatbots, and what were the reasons for possible rejections. All these questions must be answered by those involved this week.
