An unknown number is calling? This is how you can check who it is

Due to frequent data leaks, our phone number may fall into the wrong hands. This fact alone may not be a direct threat, but various types of fraudsters and criminals may try to contact us. For example, to impersonate employees of financial institutions and attempt to extort important information about us.

Other times, calls from unknown numbers are attempts to contact telemarketers or various companies with whom we may have had some dealings – but we do not necessarily want to talk to them. Is it worth calling back when we were unable to answer? It depends – before making a return call, we should check who called us.

Fortunately, we do not need to have special skills to verify, is a given phone number trustworthy. There are many websites on the web that allow you to check a phone number. All you need to do is enter the number you are interested in in the appropriate field, and it will be found in the database – along with information about it. Often, such services allow you to evaluate a given number and leave a comment. Sometimes, some numbers have a negative opinion and are described as fraud attempts. Then we know that it is not worth bothering with a given call.

On what site can I check a phone number? Here are some examples:


Sometimes a good way is to copy the number and paste it into an internet search engine with the addition of “phone”. It is possible that we were called by a company phone, and these are often added to company websites and Google business cards. Then we will quickly verify the person trying to contact us.

An interesting alternative to manual phone number verification is an application that checks who is calling us. We can download it from Google Play and AppStore. The application will independently verify the calling number and inform us whether it is, for example, a number associated with fraud attempts or bots.

There are many applications of this type, and the trusted ones include TrueCaller and Sync.ME.
