And because today is Friday

And Because Today is Friday is a breath of fresh air in this terrible world of wars and bomb law disputes. Thanks for the humor. And today we bring you a full plate! Have a nice weekend.

Inside the ZIP there are more than 100 FANTASTIC images (for men with thick beards and good-humoured people), here's an invitation to take out and see all the images.

And because today is Friday v870 (19MB)



In a family of lazy people, there was a father, a mother, a daughter, a son and a parrot. After dinner no one wanted to wash the dishes and then the parrot said:
- The first one to speak washes the dishes.
- Right - said the father.
They fell silent. After a few minutes, the daughter's boyfriend comes in and says:
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight! Hello...
He starts to touch his daughter's leg, her breasts, her sex, he jumps on top of her and starts making love. Nobody says anything. He looks at his mother, feels her and makes love to her. Nobody speaks. Look at your father and go to his ass. He does the same with his son. All silent. Then go away. But it was raining. He went back to get an umbrella and the parrot said:
- Okay, I'll wash the dishes.

The girl in the confessional:
- Father, I messed with my boyfriend!
- My daughter, you shouldn't do that! It is a very serious sin! For the sake of one hour of pleasure, it can harm your whole life.
Repent of your sins, say two Hail Marys and may God bless you, my daughter! The girl was about to get up, but she gains the courage to ask one last question:
- Mr. Father? Can you explain to me how to make it last an hour?

On the plane:
- Mrs. Hostess, tell the pilot not to exceed the speed of sound because I want to talk to my boyfriend.

It was Saturday and the girl went to confess:
- Father, I slept with my boyfriend.
- Sin, my daughter. Sin. Say ten Hail Marys.
The girl got up, stopped and turned to the priest.
- Can I pray twenty, Father?
- Why, my daughter?
- We're going to spend this weekend away...A

Two lovers on the garden bench
- What are you thinking, dear?
- Well, the same as you cutie...
- Naughty! Indecent. Don't you have any shame in that face?

He turns to her:
- You know, you call me or sea!
- Oh yes? Why, because my eyes are blue and remind you of the color of the sea?
- No.
- So it's because my hair is wavy and you remember sea waves?
- Neither.
- Then why is it? Tell me!
- Enjoas-me!

This section has the support of our reader João Pimentel


Do you know superhumans?

He messed with what was quiet and suffered

Novo zoom do iPhone 16 Pro

Remember this player who even faked the cameramen?

Good illusion... by Zach's hands

He got rid of the fishing net, but will he get away from the dog?

Lage still polishing... don't let them call Rui Costa by name!!!

Man abandons sinking sailboat and saves himself with his dog

Girl runs away from the goats and her mother laughs like a lost person

You're never too old for fun

Car stopped at traffic lights is hit by a concrete block, driver survives

Engineering a spider... in its toil!

How did they manage with Portugal in the Futsal World Cup?

An airship that was carrying out an action for São Paulo Futebol Clube crashed

Videos that had to be recorded

Incredible images of volcanoes

