And Bio Solutions dominates, come on! Pay attention!

The company Prima Bio Solutions, as a distributor of preparations based on microalgae of the Spanish company Biorizon, brings to our market innovative products that are used in agriculture to increase fruit, improve color and protect plants. These preparations are not based on algae taken from the sea, but on microalgae – single-celled organisms, which enables the combination of different strains of microalgae with a specific enzyme and protein composition, resulting in products with specific characteristics.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:

One of the key products of Prima Bio Solutions is Crop Protect, a protective agent based on basic substances. Crop Protect is the first such product in Serbia for which the list of preparations based on basic substances, which are considered not to endanger human health, has been opened. The introduction of such natural means by Prima Bio Solutions aims not only in organic, but also in classical production, where they have already achieved cooperation with some conventional producers.

Using these preparations is simple, but a systematic approach is recommended, which includes monitoring the protection and nutrition of plants through all stages of development, from seedlings to harvest. During drought, more frequent feeding is recommended, at intervals of seven days or even more often, depending on the needs of the producer. The optimal dose of fertilizer is measured per hectare, while biostimulators are used according to the recommended amounts, and higher doses did not cause phytotoxic reactions, but on the contrary showed positive effects.

Bio Solutions solutions (that is, Bio Solutions products)

Examples from the field confirm the safety and effectiveness of these products. In one case, even a 50 times higher dose was applied without negative consequences, but with noticeable positive effects on the plants. The standard dose of most of these preparations is two liters per hectare, while some producers use half the dose, which still gives results.

In the case of fruits, the principle of application of these preparations is similar to that of vegetables. Specific fruit protection products act against various pests, such as mites, aphids, and others. Faston, for example, paralyzes insects and closes their airways, which gives quick results. Also, Crop Protect biofungicide can be used from flowering to harvest, providing continuous protection.

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This year, in the field of Ĺ umadija, a positive effect of these preparations was recorded in the recovery of plants affected by frost on April 20. Although it cannot fully protect a plant whose flower has been destroyed, Crop Protect has shown some effectiveness in the recovery of fruit, tomatoes and cabbage in cases where the plant had a chance to recover. These experiences show the potential of biopesticides and biostimulators as innovative solutions in agriculture, which bring additional opportunities for a sustainable and healthier way of food production.

Source: Good morning
