The animal of 2025, the year of the 180th anniversary of the Latvian National Museum of Nature, has been chosen as a hedgehog, the museum reported.
As zoologists note, the hedgehog is a wild animal that is also found in urban environments. Its most characteristic feature is its body covered with spines. The hedgehog has a small head with a pointed, mobile and moist muzzle. Hedgehogs have small, round eyes, small, round ears and a very short tail. The legs are relatively short, strong, with five fingers and claws, which are also suitable for digging.
Hedgehogs move with even, fast steps, but can also run and even jump. The back and sides are covered with a two-centimeter needle-like coat, and the head, belly and legs are covered with coarse hair. When in danger, a hedgehog can curl up into a ball, sticking its needles out.
Experts note that two species of hedgehogs live in Latvia, very similar in appearance – the white-breasted hedgehog “Erinaceus roumanicus” and the common hedgehog “Erinaceus europaeus”. The white-breasted hedgehog is more common, as its range covers the entire territory of Latvia. The common hedgehog is rare, mainly in the north-east of Latvia. Hedgehogs living in Latvia go into hibernation in October, which lasts until April.
Zoologists know that hedgehogs live in places rich in shrubs, deciduous trees and undergrowth – on forest edges, farmland, gardens and parks. They like to stay near populated areas, including cities. Hedgehogs are active in the warm season, in the dark.
Hedgehogs are omnivores, but mainly feed on invertebrates – beetles, caterpillars, snails, worms and spiders. They also eat fruits and small vertebrates such as frogs, snakes, lizards, baby birds and eggs. The lifespan of hedgehogs ranges from five to seven years. Their natural enemies are foxes, badgers, martens, wild boars, owls and dogs. They are also threatened by cars, burning and pesticide use, experts say.
In the Year of the Hedgehog, the museum, along with its partner, the neighboring Hedgehog Coffee Shop, invites visitors to various events and offers hedgehog-themed mugs and coffee. You can learn more about hedgehogs at the museum’s zoological exhibition, and in January the museum will invite families with children to an event dedicated to hedgehogs.
As phenologist Vilis Bukšs said, in January it often happens that hedgehogs wake up during the thaw. This year, on January 7, he noticed an awakened hedgehog in Vilyak. The same thing happened on January 13, 2012. It is noteworthy that the hedgehog is also depicted on the Vilyaka coat of arms.
Animal of the Year is one of the Nature Museum’s longest-running events. The first animal of the year was chosen in 2000.
Last year, the museum chose the roe deer as the animal of the year, 2023 – the lizard, 2022 – the weasel, 2021 – the hare, 2020 – the beaver, 2019 – the moose, 2018 – the squirrel.