ANO’s triumph, uncertainty at SPOL, the Pirates ended up at the bottom – regional election results | News

The winner of the regional elections in terms of the number of representatives is the ANO movement, which won 292 of them. The second ODS has 106 regional mandates, the third is the Starostové a názáznílí (STAN) 73.

Of the parties outside the House of Representatives, KSČM succeeded with 32 representatives, SOCDEM with 13 or PRO with seven. The government Pirates, who won three representatives, failed. The success of the June European elections was not repeated by the Příšaha movement and the Motorists party, they have no representative mandate, it follows from data Czech Statistical Office (CZSO).

Of the other parties represented in the House of Representatives, the People’s Party won 49 regional representatives, the SPD has 32 representatives and TOP 09 won 16 mandates. Twenty regional mandates were won by the Mayors of the Liberecký Region, who are linked to STAN at the national level.

Against the elections four years ago, ANO strengthened the most, when it gained an additional 114 regional representatives. In addition, KSČM has 19 mandates, ODS seven. PRO, for which it was the first regional election, also won the same number of representatives. STAN won four additional mandates.

The biggest drop was recorded by the Pirates, who lost 96 regional representatives. SOCDEM lost 24 mandates, KDU-ČSL four, TOP 09 and SPD three each. The Mayors for the Liberec Region also lost two mandates against the previous election period.

A total of 28 groups fought their way into regional councils this year, two less than four years ago. It divided 685 mandates among itself. The number of regional representatives has increased by ten compared to the previous election period, as the Pilsen council will now have 55 instead of 45 members. This is because the population of the region exceeded 600,000.
