Anti-aging diet, or (t)eat this to preserve youth!

Humanity has always searched for an “antidote” to aging, and although there is no miracle drug that will make us live forever, we can slow down the aging process and reduce its signs. Perhaps the first and most important pillar is to accept that aging is a natural part of life and to recognize that we ourselves are the ones who can actively do something for vital and lively everyday life. The anti-aging lifestyle is almost a global trend, the so-called “longevity experts” are becoming more and more popular, and science and technology equip us with knowledge about how to live, sleep, exercise, and eat through increasingly advanced methods. Here are the tips from Fitein’s expert.

What is an anti-aging diet?

The anti-aging diet is a nutrient-rich diet based on whole foods. An ideal anti-aging diet supports healthy skin, improves cognitive function and helps prevent age-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

“The anti-aging diet is not specifically based on restrictions – of course there are foods that are not recommended – but rather emphasizes that the body gets the natural, high-fiber foods, lean proteins and antioxidants and fatty acids that it needs so much” – says István Szijgyártó, Fitein’s product developer.

This is how you can start your anti-aging diet in the fall

Starting an anti-aging diet does not require drastic changes in eating habits, rather it encourages you to eat more of certain things. This way, you can get started even in the fast-paced autumn period, since the main focus here is not on cancellations, but on “smart changes” that advance your vitality and productivity. Here are some simple tips:

  1. More fruits and vegetables: At each meal, make half of the plate colorful with different fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries and vegetables, fight against oxidative stress, which is a major factor in aging. These foods protect the skin and cells from damage while promoting flexibility and supporting the cognitive functions of the brain. One of the stars of the autumn season is the pumpkin. It is not only tasty and can be used to make countless delicacies, but also has a high content of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which makes it a vegetable with a super anti-inflammatory effect.
  1. Whole grains instead of refined ones: Choose quinoa and brown rice instead of white rice and bread.
  1. Pay attention to Omega-3 fatty acids: Eat fatty fish or plant-based sources of omega-3, such as olive oil, avocado, flaxseed. With the arrival of autumn, walnuts also come to the fore, so you can increase your Omega-3 intake with nut delicacies. For example, you can sprinkle it on your morning Fitein fiber pudding, and you’ve already given your day an extra boost of health!
  1. Let’s snack smartly: Swap processed snacks for nuts, seeds or fruit for a healthier option or choose a healthy alternative without added sugar.
  1. Avoid refined sugar and processed foods: Cut down on sugary snacks and processed foods, as they can increase inflammation and speed up the aging process, not to mention sabotage your body’s natural production of collagen.
  1. We increase your fiber consumption for the health of your intestinal flora: Research shows that fiber-rich foods like quinoa, oats, and vegetables are vital for digestion, blood sugar control, and reducing inflammation. The University of Otago researchers have shown that a high-fiber diet is associated with longer life and a lower risk of chronic disease.
  1. More water(!!!): We hear it a lot, yes, but it’s crucial: Hydration plays a major role in maintaining a youthful appearance. Water and healthy hydration alternatives, such as herbal teas, help remove toxins from the body, keeping skin supple and healthy. In the autumn season, it is worth paying extra attention to this, because as the air cools down, we instinctively forget about drinking, even though it is very important at this time as well.

More than just looks

An anti-aging diet not only improves the health of the skin – it also strengthens the heart, improves brain function and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. The anti-aging diet and lifestyle is not just a set of recipes and diet plans, but a way of thinking, or we can also call it a form of self-love, according to which we pay attention to the needs of our body and give it the things it needs in order to have as lively a daily life as possible. let’s live
