Anti-catastrophe plan, by Margarita Puig

Several districts of Paris are left blind. It’s just a blackout. Just for an hour and, moreover, in the middle of the night. But, alas! The City of Light sees the Olympic waver (again). grandeur from its flame with another scare that nobody expected? It adds to the problems of the French high-speed train before the long ceremony on the Seine and, no, it has nothing to do with the Olympic colds caused by so many athletes soaking in the water or with the river being so rough that it is not even suitable for swimming at the moment, but it is too similar to the universal chickenpox that caused the Microsoft debacle just two weeks ago.


Either we rescue paper and pen (as so many companies and terminals around the world have done these days) or we all become preppers . Preppers or preppers. We become survivalists Like all those millions! They are millions! of people (almost all men and forty-somethings, or older) around the world who train daily for disasters. And for the Great Blackout that in the end, is it going to be true? Is it already upon us?, predicted the Austrian Minister of Defense Klaudia Tanner in 2021 for 2025. We don’t even have a year left. Long before, but even more so since then, the preppers (in the US they are legion and they study, spread and sell their anti-catastrophe methods) have been deepening their philosophy of “hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” They are not the kind of people who go around looking for solutions on the fly. They are men of action. Determined to take back the reins of their own subsistence.

What if we all became ‘preppers’ to always survive in the worst-case scenario?

Everyone treasures their multi-tool pliers. Storm lighters. Survival bracelets with shackles. Water purification tablets. Waterproof notebooks and plans. Flashlights and night vision goggles. Tactical food. fullpack to choose from, there is even meat and potatoes… They know about first aid, how to make a fire. About flora and fauna and what they can or cannot eat in extreme dramas. Setting up their bivouac. Everything they can think of for survival. And they have, of course, their 72-hour backpack always ready, prepared, but above all they have a plan. In the case of the preppers Spaniards, a PLAN (protect, locate, store and never give up) that until recently might have sounded like paranoia. A joke. But the way Paris looks and the world is turning today, this preparationism points to a new Olympic modality.
