Appetizer, main course and mandatory GPS

Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock

Sex expert David Smith reveals the four most common mistakes you make in the bedroom and what you should do instead. It can be difficult to always keep things exciting, but he offers some of his tips for bringing passion back into your love life, and what he specifically warns about is that we need to focus on what’s going on outside of the sexual experience itself.

These are the four problems that a sex specialist often encounters:

1. Your focus is “too narrow”

You may inadvertently “trap your sexuality” in the bedroom. Instead, David suggests, “Pay her compliments throughout the day, hint that you’re looking forward to being alone later, and try to keep some compliments free of sexual connotations.” He describes it as ‘mental foreplay’ that’s sure to sweeten the mood before you move on. to ‘real work’.

2. You value the main course over the appetizer

Sometimes we focus too much on the sex itself, and that’s not good. Women take longer than men to get excited, so you need to slow down with foreplay. “It’s a simple equation, but the slower you go forward, the faster she’ll orgasm when it comes to actual intercourse,” points out David. And the faster she climaxes, the less time you have for diverting thoughts that help you ‘end the party’ too soon.

3. You lead too much

Guys can be guilty of trying to be the ‘leader’, which may not be the best way to impress your partner.

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No one knows her preferences better than she does, so find positions “on her back if necessary, where she can control the pace, movements and angles of contact,” suggests David. “Pay attention to the movements of her hips and pelvis. “Think of this as a GPS for her pleasure zones and try to mimic those movements when you get back behind the wheel,” he adds.

4. You don’t pay attention to what happens ‘after’

Yes, you heard right. What happens after sex is just as important as what happens before, so don’t just roll over and go to sleep. “You owe her some intimacy in the form of kisses and caresses. Why? Because, while you feel like God during sex, she needs to feel appreciated, adored and loved after sex,” warns David. In turn, she will be more willing to relive the same experience and perhaps even more relaxed about trying new things, reports The Sun.

