The device was ahead of its time and, even for most rock fans of the brand, it was simply too expensive. Apple has reportedly suspended its production and is working on a cheaper and more affordable version of the headset.
Photo: Apple
Apple Vision Pro virtual reality headset.
Products that have passed the time have a hard time. First it was Google Glass, which was so futuristic that Google could not convince the public of its real use. He failed even after several attempts. Now it seems that a similar fate awaits the Apple Vision Pro headset, which does not copy the expected demand. At Apple, they are reportedly so disappointed with the sales numbers that they have limited their production. In addition, they plan to stop it completely this year.
Information about the reduction in production became public already in October of last year. According to several sources, Apple was supposed to reduce production of the headset as early as last summer, indicating that it has enough inventory to cover demand until 2025. The MacRumors server claims that the main reasons for weak demand for the Vision Pro are its high price and lack of attractive content. Some suppliers had to suspend the production of components already in May, based on weak sales forecasts, while their warehouses remained filled with thousands of unused parts.
One of Luxshare’s partners, which produced headsets for Apple, was supposed to completely stop its production by the end of the year. At the time of the greatest expectations about demand, he produced up to two thousand devices a day. According to behind-the-scenes information, Apple has temporarily suspended the development of the second generation of the headset and focused more on the development of its cheaper version.