Apple Wallet and Google Wallet, also your hotel key

During its first years of existence, the truth is that the wallet application, Wallet, for both Android and iOS were quite limited in terms of their usefulnessI’m talking about quite a few years ago, when the type of digital assets we could store in these digital wallets was rather low. I remember, in those early days, missing the fact that they were compatible (in my case, at that time, the iOS one) with a multitude of products and services that I thought would work perfectly for.

Luckily (or by common sense, really), both Apple and Google were aware of the tremendous potential of combining NFC connectivity with a secure digital asset storage systemcould turn a smartphone into a kind of Swiss Army knife, with some additional functions and, above all, much broader coverage of some very common activities, such as going to shows, travelling and even, as has recently begun to happen in California, allowing citizens to identify themselves.

The usefulness of wallets on smartphones is already, at this point, more than remarkable, but also grows exponentially thanks to the proliferation of smartwatches compatible with electronic wallets. Now it is not even necessary to take the mobile phone out of the bag or pocket, a movement of the arm and a twist of the wrist is enough to verify our identity, pay for a purchase with the debit card, carry out a check-in process, etc.

Well, as we read Today on CNBCinteresting developments are coming in this regard, and that is that Apple and Google are already working to boost the adoption of their wallets as keys contactless for hotelsThe aim is, of course, to do away with the most current format, plastic cards (although they are also starting to be seen in recyclable materials) with RFID technology, which some of us collect after our hotel stays.

The most obvious advantage of this system is, of course, that We don’t need to carry the key cardinstead we will use the smartphone or, better yet, the smartwatch. In addition, if the system is well implemented, any change in the date and time of departure (extension of stay, late check-outetc.), can be updated immediately, without having to go to reception with the key, etc.

The main disadvantage, as always in these cases, that We will depend on the operation of the device in questionthat is, if we run out of battery, lose the device, it fails or any other eventuality, we will be forced to resort to the services of the establishment to be able to access our accommodation. Perhaps there exists, or is in development, some system that can avoid this and, of course, any advance in this sense will mean a significant improvement in this regard.
