Apps lure a lot of risky permissions from us. Which one?

  • Many apps ask for permissions they don’t really need
  • If you enable everything automatically, you could theoretically put your personal data at risk
  • Among the most curious are social networks and communicators

In order for the downloaded applications to start working fully, it is not enough just to launch them. You have to them first grant a number of different permissions. Typically, this is access to your images, but also access to the camera, microphone or contacts. This is understandable for some applications (such as WhatsApp) – they simply could not work without these permissions. But sometimes they want so much from you that reason stops.

Web Cybernews decided to examine the most popular apps in detail and find out how much they try to spy on us. And how dangerous are any permissions allowed. And the results of his survey are not very encouraging. He tested 50 applications and found that most of them require permissions that they don’t need at all to function smoothly. And if someone were to hack them, it would be very easy to get into the deepest bowels of our mobile phones.

The Indian application came out the worst in the tests MyJiowhich asks users for 29 potentially risky permissions. However, he finished in second place WhatsAppwho wants 26 of them. The fourth place was taken by the app Google Newsthe fifth WhatsApp Businessthe sixth Facebook and the seventh Instagram.

Do not grant risky permissions

Among the riskiest permissions, which are required by the vast majority of the applications examined, are notification. Although these are harmless and safe at first glance, they can soon spam you with advertisements and strange untrustworthy offers. The request for memory access phone, request for write permission or read permission.

According to this study, they are the most curious applications intended for communication – they want an average of 19 different permissions. Social networks they require about 17. In addition, most applications do not need these permissions at all to function properly.

The golden advice of cyber security experts is therefore do not automatically allow everythingwhich the application requires. It is better to first prohibit everything and only then gradually allow only what is absolutely necessary.

Do you allow apps to do whatever they want?

Source: Pixabay, Cybernews
