Are you allowed to be late for work on the first day of school?

Do you really have the right to arrive late on the first day of school? Check and ask, because the Labor Code does not provide anything on this subject.

Written by Paul MaloSep 1, 2024, 10:30 AM

Back to school is already tomorrow, or almost. But do we have the right to arrive late for work after having accompanied your child?

Can you be late for work on the first day of school to take your children to school?

Not everyone can take a morning of RTT on the first day of school… And, unlike other private life events (birth, marriage, death, etc.), The Labor Code does not actually provide for anything regarding absences due to the start of the school year.

Of course, your employer can tolerate a delay if you agree on this in advance. Furthermore, nothing prevents you from offering to make up these hours later if necessary. A 48-hour notice period will also allow you to check that he does not object. Perhaps it’s not too late for this return to school!

Agree with your employer if you want to be late © Zodiacphoto

Schedule or package?

Another essential point regarding arriving late is: do you have fixed hours? Indeed, ultimately, The question really only arises for employees with specific hours. So, all those who work on a daily basis, such as managers, can arrive later on this morning of the start of the school year, provided that their work is done.

Very often, in companies, the employer and their human resources department remind people, shortly before the start of the school year, of the rules applicable on this somewhat special day. This can be done both by means of a classic notice or via a general email. In any case, don’t forget that the employer has no obligation in this matter.

Simple use may be enough

And what about employees who have to work specific hours? It all depends on the industry and the collective agreement they are part of. Some provide for one day or half-day of paid absence per year.

Time facilities granted to civil servants or state agents © Tom Wang

However, many collective agreements simply do not provide for anything. In this case, it is then necessary to refer to a possible company agreement, if one exists. Otherwise, a simple, informal and unregistered usage allows such a schedule adjustment for the duration of a back-to-school morning.

The special case of civil servants

One special case should be noted, however: that of the civil service. In fact, a 2008 circular authorizes “ timetable facilities ” to ” officials or agents of the State or its public establishments ” on the first day of school for their children, until they start sixth grade.

Article updated

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