Are you required to register a light trailer? What type of trailers can you tow with a Category B license

Drivers who have a Category B permit can tow certain types of trailers, but must follow several rules. The main condition is that its weight does not exceed a certain threshold. But when you buy a light trailer, are you required to register it?

The Highway Code establishes that a trailer is any vehicle without a motor intended to be towed by a motor vehicle or a tractor.

They are divided into two categories: light trailer and semi-trailer.

The light trailer has a weight of no more than 750 kilograms, and the semi-trailer has a part of the maximum permissible weight taken by the motor vehicle or the tractor.

What trailer can you tow with a Category B license?

Drivers holding a Category B license may tow a light trailer or semi-trailer. So, the maximum permissible weight of the assembly, car + trailer, must not exceed 4,250 kg.

The maximum permissible weight is what the empty car or trailer can weigh together with its load. The value is stipulated in the vehicle’s registration certificate.

Careful! Do not confuse the mass of the trailer with the maximum authorized mass! The weight of the trailer is specified by the manufacturer, and the maximum allowed mass is the maximum value of the load together with the own weight of the trailer.

Therefore, with a Category B license you cannot drive a trailer whose weight is 750 kg, but whose maximum permissible weight is 750 km.

Are you required to register a light trailer?

Romanian law states that all types of trailers must be registered.

Motor vehicles and trailers are registered permanently or temporarily at the competent authority in whose territorial radius the owners have their domicile, residence or headquarters, under the conditions established by the regulations in force“, establishes Art. 13 (1) of GEO 195/2002.

In order to be registered, registered or admitted to circulation, trailers must be homologated.

The authority that carries out the registration of a motor vehicle or a trailer issues to the owner or its agent a registration certificate according to the category or subcategory to which the respective vehicle belongs, as well as plates with the registration number. If the owner of the vehicle is a leasing company, it is mandatory to mention the identification data of the authorized holder in the registration or registration certificate”, provides Art. 15 (1) of the traffic law.

Towing an unregistered or unregistered trailer is punishable by imprisonment from 3 months to 2 years or a fine.

How to register a light trailer

When you purchase a light trailer, you must receive the following documents:

  • The document attesting the right of ownership (sales contract, tax invoice, etc.);
  • European Homologation Certificate
  • Vehicle Identity Card (CIV) issued by the Romanian Vehicle Registry (RAR).

The trailer must be registered at the City Hall and will be registered in circulation at the Registration Service (DGPCI), just like a car.

For registration at the Directorate of Local Taxes and Taxes, the following documents will be presented:

  • Owner’s identity card in original and copy;
  • Tax invoice in original and copy;
  • Trailer Identity Card (CIV) in original and copy;
  • Registration form;
  • Fiscal declaration for determining the tax/tax on the means of transport
  • Form provided by the Taxes and Taxes Service.

To register a light trailer, you must present the following documents to the DGPCI:

  • Tax invoice endorsed by the Taxes and Taxes Service, original and copy;
  • The registration form with the visa of the Taxes and Taxes Service;
  • Owner’s identity card, original and copy;
  • Vehicle identity card (CIV), original and copy;
  • European Homologation Certificate, original and copy;
  • The request of the applicant;
  • RCA insurance in the owner’s name valid from the day of the appointment;
  • The fee representing the counter value of the registration certificate;
  • The fee representing the value of the license plate.

Fine for drivers towing a light trailer

There are several situations in which drivers towing a trailer can be penalized.

It constitutes a contravention and is sanctioned with the fine provided for in class III of sanctions:

  • failure to fulfill the obligations to change the registration certificate or to register the trailer in the cases provided by law;
  • fitting lights of a different color or intensity or accessories or non-approved modifications to the trailer;
  • driving with a trailer with defects in the lighting or sound warning system or when they are missing.

It is also a misdemeanor and is sanctioned with the fine provided for in class IV of sanctions, non-compliance with the rules regarding the towing of vehicles.
