Artificial intelligence robot market grows rapidly… LG Electronics, ranked first in the world in multiple patent applications

The number of patented technologies related to artificial intelligence robots filed in major countries around the world has increased by an average of 58.5% per year over the past 10 years. This is interpreted as a result of the rapid growth of the artificial intelligence robot market due to the convergence of artificial intelligence technology and robot technology. In fact, it is predicted that the global market for artificial intelligence robots will grow from 10.9 trillion won in 2023 to 147.8 trillion won in 2032.

As the market grows, global big tech companies are entering the market and competition for patents is intensifying. Meanwhile, Korea maintained the top spot in the global ranking of artificial intelligence robot patent applications.

Patent application trend data by applicant’s nationality. Provided by the Korean Intellectual Property Office

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According to the Korean Intellectual Property Office on the 5th, in the trend of patent applications related to artificial intelligence robots applied to the patent offices of major countries around the world (Korea, the United States, China, Japan, and the European Union, hereinafter referred to as IP5), a total of 5,525 related patents were filed between 2012 and 2021.

The number of applications by year is ▲20 in 2012 ▲21 in 2013 ▲43 in 2014 ▲78 in 2015 ▲144 in 2016 ▲393 in 2017 ▲670 in 2018 ▲1,630 in 2019 ▲It increased rapidly from 1,266 cases in 2020 to 1,260 cases in 2021. The average annual growth rate during this period amounts to 58.5%.

When looking at the applicant’s nationality, China accounted for the largest proportion (3,313 cases, 60%), followed by Korea (1,367 cases, 24.7%) and the United States (446 cases, 8.1%). China also had the highest average annual growth rate at 59.7%. Korea ranked second with 53.4%, and the United States ranked third with 46.1%.

In the trend by technology classification of artificial intelligence robot patent applications filed in IP5, it is analyzed that artificial intelligence technologies rooted in application fields such as education and medicine account for the majority.

By technology classification, application control technology 53.6% (2962 cases), external environment and interaction technology where robots recognize and manipulate objects 33.8% (1869 cases), and drive control technology that controls robot movement through learning 12.6% (694 cases) had the largest proportion in that order.

In terms of multiple applicants, LG Electronics’ good fight stood out. Among the major applicants in the field of artificial intelligence robots filed for IP5, LG Electronics accounted for 18.8% (1,038 cases) of the total, making it the largest applicant in the field of artificial intelligence robot patent applications worldwide. In addition, Japan’s FANUC (1.8%, 97 cases) and China’s South China Normal University (1.5%, 83 cases) followed.

LG Electronics appears to have applied artificial intelligence technology for object and voice recognition in cleaning robots, service robots, and logistics robots, and has been actively securing rights at home and abroad.

Shin Cha-seong, team leader of LG Electronics Intellectual Property Center, said, “LG ​​Electronics began research and development (R&D) in earnest in 2017 to gain an upper hand in new business areas in the robotics and artificial intelligence fields. We are working to secure patents and portfolio. “I am proud that we were able to apply for a number of related patents.”

Lee Seon-woo, head of the Intelligent Robot Examination Department at the Korean Intellectual Property Office, diagnosed that “patent applications in the field of artificial intelligence robots are rapidly increasing globally.”

At the same time, “China, which currently occupies the leading position, has most of its applications limited to its own country, and the patent applications of major global companies such as Tesla are analyzed to be relatively small,” he said. “Considering this, Korea is expected to develop technology for interacting with the external environment and driving control.” “If we focus on technology development and actively pursue patent rights, we expect to be able to secure patent rights in the field of artificial intelligence robots first,” he said.

Daejeon = Reporter Jeong Il-woong

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