Artificial meat as part of the diet – is it worth considering?

Artificial meat has become a topic that causes different reactions around the world. Recently, in one restaurant in Singapore, artificial meat from an American company was included in the menu. People who tried this product had mixed opinions. Some accepted it as an option, while others were dissatisfied or neutral. However, everyone agreed that artificial meat is currently very expensive, which poses a challenge to science. Estimates indicate that the world population will reach 11 billion, and it will be necessary to provide sufficient amounts of food.

In Serbia, Dr. Ivana Gađanski from the “BioSens” Institute in Novi Sad has been researching cultured meat in the laboratory since 2017. She deals with molecular diagnostics and cellular agriculture, with a special interest in meat obtained in laboratory conditions. Although there is a lot of research around the world, scientists are still unable to produce ready-to-eat meat that could replace current sources of protein. The process of creating artificial meat begins with taking a sample of specific stem cells from the skeletal muscles of domestic animals. These cells are controlled and multiplied in the laboratory, but the process is complex and expensive.

The cells multiply in a special liquid containing amino acids, sugars and growth factors, and then the genes for differentiation into muscle cells are activated in the new liquid. Scientists use 3D printers to create structures from plant proteins that these cells “hang” on to, which continue to grow. In the Netherlands, the first artificial burger made from cow muscle cells was made in 2013, but the price was extremely high – 300,000 euros. Today, the price is lower, but still unacceptable for mass production.

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Artificial meat is being closely watched by investors

Scientists are now working on growing fat cells to give artificial meat a juiciness similar to natural meat. At the “BioSens” Institute, Dr. Ivana Gađanski’s team is working on finding a cheaper fluid for cell multiplication and researching muscle cell lines. They currently use mouse muscle cells, but plan to switch to beef and pork cells to create a product that tastes like real meat.

Artificial meat has attracted the attention of many multinational companies, and their goal is to satisfy the needs of vegetarians, vegans and those who want to avoid violence against animals. Countries like Singapore and the Emirates, which do not have enough natural resources to raise animals, see potential in artificial meat. However, there are opponents of this idea, especially in countries that want to preserve traditional livestock production.

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Scientists are also exploring the possibility of using artificial meat during long-duration space missions, where 3D printing would be the only way to produce food.

Source: Farmer
