As a resistance against the West. RISC-V is the dark horse of the technology competition – Chapter 1

To our east, an Asian power bloc is beginning to take shape – and as this bloc’s ambitions grow and America tries to wean it off from Western technology, a curious situation is emerging that could offer a great opportunity for new players in technologies such as RISC-V (read as “risk five”). These processors are Open Architecture – and thus offer an alternative to processors whose rights are held by Western companies.

I recently attended an interesting lecture on the history of Taiwan – and it turned out that the current conflict between Taiwan and China is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance. Basically the point is that Taiwan was only under Chinese administration for a relatively short time, most of the work to modernize it was done by Japan between the Sino-Japanese War (1894) and World War II, but after Taiwan was modernized, became very interesting for China.

Plus, and this is very important, after the defeat of the Kuomintang on the mainland, the republican general Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang Kai-shek) fled to Taiwan, who until the end of his life claimed that there was only one China – and that was his, the republican one. The Communists basically claimed the same thing, with the exception that their “people’s democratic” one was the right one – and the situation actually persists to this day, with the PRC viewed as a rebel province, while Taiwan long ago abandoned ambitions to dominate mainland China. But Taiwan cannot declare formal independence because China would consider it a declaration of war. The US has not formally recognized Taiwan’s independence, but they have a federal TRA (Taiwan Relations Act) of 1979 that forces them to come to Taiwan’s aid if they are attacked, which they don’t really want to do, but it is what it is .

So everything is at a standstill in Taiwan and the situation is currently being resolved by a trade war between the US and China, but neither side is fully escalating because it is not in their interest. Taiwan’s trump card is its TSMC factories, which are the most technologically advanced, with virtually no competition – and Taiwan hopes that the West will simply not allow it to lose this advantage and at the same time threaten to destroy them in the event of an attack by China, which is strategies they call “digital shield”.

America is trying to slow down China by embargoing advanced technologies, a strategy they already tried with China’s space program, it didn’t work much there – in general, the embargo has never particularly worked for anyone, because it only opens up a lucrative space for smugglers. The Eastern Bloc has been stealing and cloning Western technology quite shamelessly – and the reason China isn’t doing it completely openly at the moment is that it is starting to hold a significant pool of patents itself, which it wants to protect in the West and continue to trade with the West.
