As long as Bangladesh, remember the martyrs of the coup with respect: Chief Justice

Chief Justice Dr. Syed Refat Ahmed said, “As long as Bangladesh exists, the people of this country will remember the martyrs of the July-August student uprising with deep respect.”

The Chief Justice said, “We got the new Bangladesh because of the fearless students and common people who participated in this popular uprising, who gave themselves up in front of fresh bullets with the aim of building an exploitation-free and discrimination-free Bangladesh.”

Chief Justice Syed Refat Ahmed said these things while participating in the reception organized by Faridpur District Lawyers Association at the district lawyers association building on Sunday afternoon.

In the speech of the chief guest, Syed Refat Ahmed also said, ‘On the basis of the great ideology that our liberation war was organized, with the expectation that the students of our country sparked a new change through an unprecedented popular uprising in July-August, the goal was social equality, justice at all levels in the country. and ensuring the rule of law. There is no denying that there is no alternative to the rule of law to build a just society without exploitation and to establish social justice at all levels of society.’

“In the Great Liberation War of 1971, we got an independent and sovereign country through the sacrifice of all martyred freedom fighters and mothers and sisters who lost their honor. Now we all have to take this country forward with united cooperation’ said Syed Refat Ahmed.

Addressing the lawyers, the Chief Justice said, ‘Equality in the eyes of the law, the right to justice and the right to seek refuge in the law have been repeatedly mentioned in our constitution. And you, learned lawyers, will successfully implement this constitutional spirit. A litigant first approaches a lawyer with the hope of getting justice. In absolute reliance, learned lawyers entrusted the burden of protecting his wealth and freedom. This relationship of dependence between litigants and lawyers is a sacred trust. I believe that all the members of Faridpur District Bar Association are always striving to fulfill their professional duties with honesty and devotion.’

Addressing the young lawyers, the Chief Justice said, ‘You must remember that you have come into this great profession to provide legal services to people. You will never deviate from the great goal of establishing the rule of law. Always be aware that worldly greed does not divert you from the place of professional ethics.’

President of the District Bar Association Advocate Abdul Quader Mia, District Sessions Judge Judge Zia Haider, District Commissioner Kamrul Hasan Molya, Superintendent of Police Abdul Jalil, Advocate Modarres Ali Icha, Advocate Subal Chandra Saha, Advocate Zahid Bepari and others spoke.

(Dhaka Times/September 29/SIS)
