At 8, she drives her mother’s SUV to the supermarket

An 8-year-old girl was found in a shopping mall 15km from her home after driving her mother’s SUV to get there.

In the United States, an 8 year old girl has been declared disappeared by her mother. In reality, the girl had borrowed her mother’s car. She wanted to go to a centre commercial 18 kilometers further.

Mysterious disappearance solved by neighbor’s cameras

It’s on board an SUV Nissan Rogue of 2020 that the 8-year-old girl took to the road towards the centre commercial. Thanks to a neighbor’s surveillance cameras, the police managed to find the young girl. She had just driven off at full speed 7h morning. Less than two hours later, police found the mother’s vehicle parked on the parking from the shopping center which was about 18 kilometers from his home.

In the supermarket, the girl was found without a single scratch, with a Frappuccino Starbucks. She explains that she wanted to go to this popular store in the United States by herself. Fortunately, she did not cause any serious accidents during her dangerous journey. While driving an SUV for 18 kilometers, she only hita mailbox.

Photo credit: Tony Alter (Flickr) Some children impress with their unexpected driving skills.

The local police at joked about the incident by posting a humorous message on Facebook. They point out that the child was still able to finish her Frappuccino before being picked up by her worried parents.

A little girl’s walk to the supermarket

Driving ability of this 8 year old girl is really impressive. Driving for so many miles and only hitting a mailbox is incredible. Some adults with a driver’s license probably don’t do any better. Fortunately, this adventure ended well and her parents were able to find her safe and sound.

This incident is a reminder that it is important to properly secure vehicles to prevent children from accessing it. This incident occurred without serious consequences, but letting a child drive a vehicle can create accidents potentially fatal.

Fortunately, the neighbors’ surveillance camera allowed law enforcement to quickly recover the child who appeared to be enjoying herself in the mall. Without this intervention, she might have been able to get back behind the wheel and create a new dangerous situation. Although this may amuse some Internet users, parents will now have to be extra vigilant to prevent their child from grabbing a vehicle key to drive to the shopping center.
