Attention! Finance department issues warning about fake email…

Fraudulent emails, calls and messages are on the rise, with new cases being reported at a dangerously high frequency. Once again, the alert comes from the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) and reports a fraudulent email being sent to some taxpayers.

Finance asks you to ignore emails of this type...

A AT issued a new alert for a fraudulent email being sent to taxpayers regarding a supposed refund, stressing that the suggested link should not be opened.

The Tax and Customs Authority (AT) is aware that some taxpayers are receiving emails supposedly from the AT in which they are asked to click on links provided.

As explained in the same note, these messages are false and should be ignored, as "their objective is to convince the recipient to access malicious pages by clicking on the suggested links".

The Tax Authority recommends reading the Information leaflet on Computer Security available on the Finance Portal.
