Attention! Several factors can provoke a headache in the heat


The heatwave can produce many conditions that can cause headaches, and for those who are prone to headaches in the first place, the heat can increase their complaints. What can we do to prevent excruciating headaches, reduce pain, and how can persistent complaints be treated? Dr. Márta Simon, neurologist at the Neurological Center and headache specialist, spoke about the topic.

Heat alone is not usually responsible for headaches

The high heat is hard to bear for many people, especially when it comes to the extreme heat wave typical of recent times. However, most of the time it is not the heat alone that causes the headache. It often causes the painful symptom together with other factors. Such factors can be:

– Dehydration, dehydration
Lack of fluid can be a problem especially for elderly people who suffer from atherosclerosis and who, anyway, no longer perceive thirst in the same way as younger people. However, dehydration can be a headache trigger for everyone, because the blood vessels narrow due to the lack of fluid. In addition to headaches, the typical symptoms of dehydration are dry mouth and lips, excruciating thirst, scanty and dark urine, and fatigue.

– Heat-related conditions
Sunstroke, heatstroke, and heat exhaustion are relatively common phenomena, especially if someone is also doing physical activity in the heat. All of these conditions can cause severe headaches, but the good news is that they can all be prevented. If, on the other hand, muscle spasms, weakness, confusion, vomiting, a fast and oppressible pulse, fainting occur, the patient should call an ambulance.

– Additional risk factors
Sunbathing for too long can cause headaches even if someone uses sun protection products and hats, it is important to limit the duration. Unfortunately, the fragrances of sun protection products or perfumes can also lead to headaches for those prone to it. In the heat, it may also happen that someone skips their usual meals, changes their medication habits, all of which can trigger headaches. At the same time, it is worth reading the patient information of the medicines, as the effectiveness of some medicines may decrease due to heat.


Migraine sufferers should be especially careful in the heat

  • Some migraine sufferers may find that their condition worsens in the heat. The American Migraine Foundation has also summarized the actions that can be taken to prevent headaches that easily develop in the heat.
  • – You have to drink a lot throughout the day, and it is not recommended to skip regular meals.
  • – You must be careful of prolonged direct sunlight.
  • – It is recommended to regularly rest in a shady place.
  • – It is preferable to use sunglasses.
  • – It is worth choosing fragrance-free cosmetic products.
  • – It is recommended to reduce physical activity.
  • – According to the prescription, it is necessary to take regularly taken medicines, which must be stored in a cool place.
  • If the headache has already developed, a cold compress or ice bottle placed on the temple, a cool shower, and slow sipping of cold water can help, but it is not recommended to drink caffeinated drinks in this case.

Migraine requires regular medical control

Migraines cannot be treated in the long term with over-the-counter pain relievers, and their regular use is not recommended. The treatment and prevention of a migraine attack is a medical task, since it is only possible to determine what kind of medicine can and should be used based on the severity, frequency and accompanying symptoms of the attacks, as well as excluding other possible diseases associated with headaches, he emphasizes. dr. Simon Marchneurologist at the Neurological Center, headache specialist.

– In addition to anti-seizure medications, continuous preventive treatment may also be necessary if headaches occur more often than 3-4 times a month or for a long time. These drugs include certain antidepressants, anti-epileptic drugs, or beta-receptor blockers – under regular medical supervision. It is also very important to follow the lifestyle rules, especially if the patient knows that some food, drink or activity provokes the attacks. It may also be worth trying anti-migraine Botox therapy, which can reduce both the frequency and severity of attacks.

Source: Neurological Center
