Attention, there is a risk of fire! IKEA sold defective power banks here. Now he is hastily withdrawing them

IKEA company is characterized mainly by the fact that it sells more affordable products to households. Today, almost all of us have something at home that we bought at this company’s store. With such a large number of products that they bring every year, it sometimes happens that some of them they may have an error.

Attention, there is a risk of fire!  IKEA sold defective power banks here.  Now he is hastily withdrawing them

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Attention, there is a risk of fire!  IKEA sold defective power banks here.  Now he is hastily withdrawing themAttention, there is a risk of fire!  IKEA sold defective power banks here.  Now he is hastily withdrawing them

With a shelf or a table, this error may not manifest itself so much, but there are also products that become dangerous in this way. He is like that at the moment powerbanka (external charger) named WARM FRONT, which the company itself has identified as dangerous. The main reason is a manufacturing error that can cause you unspecified inconvenience.

Not all pieces are defective

Not all chargers with this label are dangerous. Specifically, those with capacity proved to be problematic 10 400 mAh (E2038) and time stamp (RRTT) 2313, 2316, 2318 a 2319. Those with capacity are also dangerous 5 200 mAh (E2037) with time stamp 2318, 2319 a 2322. If you have recently purchased such an external charger and the numbers on the back in the lower right corner match the ones mentioned above, you should react.

You have two options, both of which are connected by coming to any IKEA store in our territory. If you choose to do so, you can choose whether you want that product give back and take money, or just give it to you they exchange piece for piece. The big advantage is that you don’t have to look for the cashier block, because it is not needed in this case. The company apologized for the error and believes that such problems will not occur again.

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