attractive offers also came from outside Estonia

Hando Sutter, who will become the head of the Central Union of Employers from October, said that he was also invited to foreign companies in addition to leading the union.

  • The former head of Eesti Energia, Hando Sutter, will soon head the Central Union of Employers. Photo: Liis Treimann

“There were also attractive offers outside Estonia,” said Sutter in the morning program of Äripää radio. Sutter’s last job was at Eesti Energia, after which he was not allowed to work elsewhere for nine months.

Although inviting opportunities came from abroad, Sutter remained loyal to Estonia. He said he had traveled enough. “To move away from here would have been even a little irresponsible,” Sutter said.

Sutter also talked about what he will focus on when he starts work in October and which fields of companies he advised after leaving Eesti Energia.

Martin Teder talked.

Hando Sutter, the new head of the Central Union of Employers: attractive job offers also came from outside Estonia

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