Auerswald informs partners about its roadmap

The motto of Auerswald’s Premium Partner Day was “Racing” and, in addition to a wide range of information, offered an exclusive tour of racing cars from various motorsport series. “The Premium Partner Day is an important opportunity for us to show our partners new products and possibilities, but also to take note of their requirements and wishes,” says Christian Auerswald, Managing Director of Auerswald GmbH & Co. KG.

This year, the focus was specifically on COMtrexx solutions, the cloud-based COMuniq ONE and the NIS-2 directive. In various workshops, participants were able to learn about and discuss the topics. This includes, for example, the introduction of protection standards in Auerswald’s COMtrexx solutions that are relevant in the NIS-2 environment.

In addition, the advantages of the new license model for PBX Call Assist 5 were presented in detail. The premium partners were also introduced to the optimized and more affordable pricing model for the cloud solution COMuniq ONE. The upcoming launch of a new softphone solution in the coming months was also announced. Finally, product demonstrations of the VoIP analog adapter (ATA) and the new series of door stations TFS-Dialog 210 took place.
