Autumn tillage

It is very useful to do the jobs brought by the season regularly and on time. With such an approach, we achieve quality on multiple levels. This allows us to plan gardening work, the size of plots under a certain type of vegetables or flowers, the scope of work regarding the requirements of certain plants, seeds, fertilizers… And that is why autumn work, i.e. tillage, is very important!

Autumn tillage

Earthwork, also known as tillage, does not only refer to the complete hoeing or milling of the garden once a year. Land cultivation can be divided into several parts during the whole year and then it becomes much easier and simpler compared to the “work action” in late autumn.

Advantages of autumn tillage

Summer brought an abundance of fruits, some of which are harvested even at the beginning of autumn: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, eggplants… Some of the plants will remain in their places in the garden because they will be used in autumn and even in part of winter, such as Swiss chard, cabbage, carrots, celery, parsnips, herbs and the like.

However, parts of the garden are slowly being released and the necessary free surfaces appear prepare for autumn sowing or wintering.

The advantages of such divided work are multiple and refer to the fact that:

  • we achieve much less weedy surfacesand in this way has i less work related to weeding, hoeing, tying and the like;
  • the land is properly prepared so they are to him mechanical properties satisfactorywhich certainly affects that sowing seeds, germination, receiving seedlings will be of better quality. In addition, it is also easier less demanding mechanical cultivation of the soil during the season;
  • properly prepared land has a lot favorable water-air regimewhich means that water and air are in a perfect relationship, both during artificial watering and during the rainy season. Then they are land without cover, not compacted, no retention of surface water;
  • stresswhether it is drought or excessive humidity, is the main enemy of plantsboth young or newly sown, as well as plants that have been in the garden for a long time. Quality cultivated soil provides maximum availability of water, nutrients and a favorable environment for root development.

Tillage in autumn

Autumn tillage consists of several simple works which are performed in detail and without much effort. So we get multiple benefits, we save time and make things easierwhich will pay off during the season, because now, when there is plenty of time and less work, it is an opportunity to do the following:

1. Mowing

Before starting work around the country, it is mandatory remove weeds by mowing, pulling or hoeing. Weeds should be removed because if they carry seeds, they represent a real bomb that will explode in the spring at the same time when we expect the growth of sown vegetables or flowers.

Mowing removes large amounts of seeds or rhizomes which spread throughout the garden. All weed refers to compostand it would be good that there is not much soil on the roots and that it is freshand not that it previously stood and dried in the garden. If we don’t remove it in time, the weed leaves seeds, and besides, when it’s dry, it’s difficult to compost.

2. Raking

The rake is the most used tool at this time of year. Her role is to aligns the free part left in the garden after removing the cropsthat’s it the land is leveled and tidied up mechanicallyali i da se remove weeds. A rake with slanted teeth is the most suitable because it penetrates deep into the ground and destroys even large bushes so successfully digs out weeds.

Multiple passes of the rake over the surface you get very nice shredded land without bushes and weedsadjusted as desired and ready to be sown or planted with some autumn culture.

Lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, endive, rocket or other small-seeded vegetables or flowers are common choices. This refers to that part of the garden where there was a crop that was dug well or where potatoes, beets or parsnips were pulled from the ground. Such soil is not compacted and has enough air and nutrients, so it is ready to take on itself immediately new crop.

Autumn tillageAutumn tillage

3. Ashov

Ash is a tool that is used for demanding parts of the garden to cultivate the land more deeply because there has been compaction or where it is necessary to enrich a part of the land with some organic fertilizer (burnt manure or compost). First of all remove all weeds and residual plants which are no longer used, a then a layer of 5 cm of compost is spreadpa only then can we start digging.

It is most convenient to do it when the earth is drier because during plowing, the sod is dispersed nicely and the fertilizer penetrates deeper into the soil layer. It is necessary to step on Ash as deeply as possiblebut in such a way that a thinner layer of the furrow is captured, because in this way the soil is dispersed better. When turning over the furrow, you should carefully remove the roots and rhizomes of weeds such as sorghum, sorghum, buttercup and the like.

If the soil is moist or very wet, then the work is difficultand the result is poorly mixed fertilizer and large bushes that will not break down until spring. That’s right poorly prepared soil is not suitable for sowing in autumnbut it can be done mulch with straw or leaves and stay like that until spring, so that it is ready for sowing in March.

If the soil is dry and well prepared, it is suitable for sowing autumn vegetables, especially large-seeded ones such as ArpadžikSrebrenica, onion, winter garlic, peas and broad beans.

4. Cars

A hoe will do for each type of country. Various types of hoes are suitable for cleaning the surface under weeds. The most suitable is a hoe sharp and wide bladebecause then it perfectly shaves the surface, and can be used if necessary for weeding.

For those who are a little more skilled, it is also quite suitable for land management. You can also use a hoe shallow tillage. Shallow digging is acceptable only in areas where the soil is fresh and has not been trampled, and such places are most often those where we have grown succulent plants such as cucumbers, melons, watermelons, pumpkins or industrial tomatoes.

On that surface, if it is not sown in autumn, it is necessary to work during winter or spring reaming or milling.

In addition, it is certainly possible by deeper digging and mulching finally prepare for spring sowing. On this occasion, only the mulch is removed, after which planting and sowing are perfectly possible because the soil under the mulch is loose and shredded, without a cover.

5. Mulching

Mulching is a measure that is increasingly usedand especially among growers who deal with organic or integral production. Permaculture vegetable growing is almost unthinkable without mulch. Mulch can be placed on cultivated land, but also on uncultivated land, because it will a thicker layer of mulch to suffocate weedsand covered plants will protect them from extreme cold over the winter.

Mulching – advantages and disadvantages you MUST know!

6. Milling

Milling with motor cultivators is a necessary premeditated measure for land cultivation in any part of the season. In this way, less is processed, and it is also suitable for larger areas of the garden, regardless of the previous condition of the soil and the presence of weeds.

This approach is also suitable for incorporation of manure or other improvers such as lime, stone flour, zeolite, sand and others. If the soil is wet, it is not possible to cultivate it, so it is better to wait until it dries out, because then the conditions are perfect for milling.

Of course, maintaining vital and nutritious soil is of crucial importance. It represents the foundation and basis of a good garden. Because every mistake shows up during the season, while every job done correctly pays us back throughout the year, giving us a good yield and good vitality of the plants, just as we planned!
