Autumn vegetable growing: some new information

Autumn vegetable cultivation in Serbia involves different strategies and techniques for maintaining crops, especially in challenging weather conditions. In this contribution, we will take a look at some practical tips related to growing vegetables, but we will also learn a few useful things related to mushroom growing and, it is interesting to mention, manure cleaning.

How to approach growing vegetables in early autumn?


Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

Cauliflower, for example, planted in July, begins to form heads in September. As cauliflower heads are sensitive to low temperatures, it is important to take measures to protect them. As soon as the heads reach a diameter of three to five centimeters, the entire plants are removed and placed in channels 20-30 cm deep. These channels are soaked with water before being buried, and the leaves of the plants are raised and attached above the heads. Cauliflower remains in these channels for 30 to 45 days, as long as it takes for the heads to ripen. During this period, nutrients from the leaves are transferred to the roses, which become ready for harvest during October and November.


Kale is another vegetable suitable for autumn and winter production. This culture tolerates frosts down to -10°C. Kale care in September involves hoeing, fertilizing and, if necessary, watering, so that the heads can be harvested even in February. In addition, kohlrabi is an ideal autumn vegetable, due to the short vegetation period of 40 to 100 days. It is planted in August or early September, and the harvest lasts during October and November. For later production, kohlrabi is sown in early November in heated greenhouses, and harvested in December.


Green salad (pictures of vegetables)

Lettuce is also planted in the fall and arrives for harvest during the winter and early spring. Planting is done in September in cold beds, while seedlings are planted by the end of October. In order to avoid physiological stagnation of seeds, it is important to use seeds from the previous year. If it is necessary to use seeds from the current year, they are first soaked in water, and then stored for three days in the refrigerator at a temperature of four degrees Celsius. Lettuce requires well-prepared soil, and the rows are marked immediately after preparation. After planting, the salad is watered as needed, and the autumn harvest requires minimal amounts of mineral fertilizers.

From vegetables to mushrooms

In addition to vegetable gardening activities, the 24th mushroom exhibition was held in Kragujevac, organized by the Šumadije Mushroom Society. At this event, 168 specimens of mushrooms collected in the surrounding forests, including Goč, Jelova Gora and Kopaonik, were displayed.

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This year was not favorable for mushrooms due to high temperatures and lack of rainfall. Although meteorologists noted that August was the warmest in the last hundred years, the last few days of rain allowed mushroom pickers to collect samples. Among the collected species, there were mostly chanterelles, while the year was extremely bad for porcini mushrooms. Both edible and poisonous mushrooms are presented at the exhibition, so that visitors can get acquainted with all types.

And now a little about herbal drops

In addition to the production of vegetables and the collection of mushrooms, during the fall there is more and more talk about the importance of cleaning the body from parasites, fungi, viruses and bacteria. The wells of health have developed drops that serve as a natural food supplement, and their goal is to fight against parasites in all stages of their development.

Periodic cleansing from parasites is recommended for people with allergies, asthma and malignant diseases, while the drops are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under two years of age.

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Image by Mohammed Hassan from Pixabay

The drops contain aromatic and bitter herbs, which act as antioxidants, help purify the blood and improve digestion. It is recommended to keep the drops in the mouth for 15-20 seconds before swallowing, so that the medicinal ingredients can directly enter the bloodstream through the mucous membrane.

And after vegetables and mushrooms – manure!

Serbian farmers are known for their innovation, which is confirmed by the example of Dragan Tomašević from Skobalje near Lajkovac. He constructed a machine that makes it easier to dump manure out of the barn, reducing the need for manual labor. His machine uses a moving rubber belt and a motor to spread the manure evenly, which is a significant time and effort saver. Tomasevic emphasizes that the machine is made from materials he had on hand, but believes that engineers could develop a more sophisticated version that could be useful to many farmers.

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Izvor: Shutterstock 1742389625

The autumn period brings many challenges and opportunities in agriculture, from growing vegetables and mushrooms to innovations that make work on farms easier. The effort and innovation of Serbian farmers play a key role in maintaining and improving this branch of the economy.

Sources: Good morning (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
