Away matches with Empoli and Milan also at risk

Napoli fans are not happy after the decision to ban the away match against Juventus and a flyer announcing their intentions is circulating on social media: the risk of clashes is increasing

A match that promises to be incandescent with a particularly hectic eve. The big match of the fifth day of the championship between Juventus and Napoli risks becoming a high-tension match not only for what is at stake between two teams dreaming of the top of Serie A but also with regards to public order.

Juve-Napoli: the ban for the Azzurri fans

The decision had been in the air for some time but it comes perhaps too late. Already after the events of Cagliari-Napoli last weekend, many had in fact called for measures in view of the match between Juventus and Napoli. But confirmation came only today when the National Observatory on Sporting Events confirmed the high risk in granting away matches to fans residing in Campania and suggested that the Prefecture and Police Headquarters impose the ban. Around 2300 fans were expected at the Allianz Stadium, with Juve now having to proceed with the reimbursement of the tickets.

The flyer circulating on social media

The news should be taken with a pinch of salt but a flyer announcing the news has been circulating on the social media of the Azzurri fans for a few hours now. willingness to leave for Turin anyway: “After the vicissitudes related to the ban on away matches for tomorrow’s match where 24 hours before the match there is still no official ban, for us this is an unconstitutional act and a territorial discrimination where an entire city is penalized. Given that at the time the prefect of Naples, in Napoli-Eintracht Frankfurt occasionsaid that free movement could not be prohibited to European citizens who had bought plane tickets and booked hotels, we will follow that line of conduct. There are many of us, many are already leaving “because there is not yet an official ban” and we will all leave tomorrow”.

Flyer and communication to be taken with a pinch of salt as the document is not signed by any organized group and therefore could also turn into a soap bubble also because the same dates back to a few hours before the official decision of the Prefect and therefore any hypothesis of departure could have been cancelled at that moment. But certainly among the blue fans the ban on away matches was seen as “a slap in the face” towards the city and all the good fans.

Away matches against Empoli and Milan at risk

Il ““advice” of the Observatory collected by the Prefecture of Turin may not remain the only one on the subject of safety in Italian football, especially with regards to the Azzurri fans. The decision dictated by the Casms seems to have been born out of the strong rivalry between the Juventus fans and the Neapolitan ones, but the incidents that occurred during the match against Cagliari seem to have tipped the scales in the direction of “prudence”. According to some Neapolitan journalists, the same decision taken by the Turin prefecture could also be applied on the occasion of the match between Empoli and Napoli on October 20 and the big match scheduled at San Siro against Milan on the 29th, with fans residing in Naples who would not be able to follow the road away.
