Aznar criticizes the “moral entrapment” of the Government for agreeing with Bildu on the reform of the Citizen Security Law

The former President of the Government, José María Aznar, criticized this Saturday the “moral mischief” of the PSOE and the coalition Government for agreeing with Bildu to reform the Citizen Security Law, also known as the Gag Law.

“The representatives of the former ETA terrorism are the ones who are going to decide on citizen security in Spain. That is not called in political terms just making a mistake, that is called moral mischief,” he warned. Aznar at the inauguration of the II Madrid Youth Academy of New Generations (NNGG) from Madrid.

In this context, the former president of the Executive has clarified that “here we are not discussing whether the Police can use rubber balls or not”, what is being said from the beginning is that we cannot agree on “citizen security with a gang of murderers.” “You cannot agree on that, nor on the security of Ceuta with Bildu, without falling into moral traps,” he indicated.

He has also referred to the pacts in General State Budgets (PGE) after considering that “political errors can have different dimensions.” “Agree on budgets for terrorist prisoners? How far are we going to go?” he asked.

“What is happening here is that a Government and a former Government party, the Socialist partyhas made an agreement with those who want to destroy the country,” he warned Aznar.

Specifically, Bildu has agreed with the coalition government to reform the Citizen Security Law to end the use of current rubber balls by the police. Security forcesput an end to “discretion” in the imposition of administrative sanctions for lack of respect for authority and disobedience and also present a reform of the Immigration Law to put an end to what is known as ‘hot returns’ of migrants at the border.

Support for Israel

Regarding the conflict in the Middle East, Aznar has predicted that “if Israel loses what it is doing, the next battle will be the southern coasts of Europa“Let no one be fooled, because nothing else is being discussed,” he stated.

“The support for Israel He has to be very clear because he is defending the democratic values ​​of Western society and the Western world. Israel is not only defending its right to exist, it is defending the rights of all of us,” he stressed.
