Baccarat two-way betting: This way you won’t get caught

What is Martingale Betting?

Martingale betting, also known as Martingale betting.

It is usually played in baccarat.

Double your ground bet.

This is a betting method where you stop when you win and then repeat this over and over again.

In theory, it’s a really perfect betting method.


Because if you double your bet, there is hope that you will win someday.

But… a theory is just a theory.

Let’s understand the principles and problems of Martingale betting.

Martingale Betting Principles

First of all, for a perfect Martin, the following conditions must be met.


1. There should be only two results, such as odd or even.
2. The winning percentage must be 50%.
3. The dividend must be 2.0.
4. The betting limit must be high.
5. Plenty of capital to withstand as many losing streaks as possible.

Betting Examples

  • 50% chance game
  • 2.0x payout on win
  • Initial betting amount: 20,000 won
  • Odd or even game

Let’s assume that and do it lightly for only 5 rounds.

Just double your bet until you succeed.

ps I will continue to bet only on one result (odd or even).

Martin betting 5th round table example

Total bet: -620,000 won

5th draw prize money: +640,000 won

Total profit: 20,000 won

If successful, you can start over again from the beginning.

Whether it’s the 2nd or 10th time, no matter where you succeed, you will end up only receiving the initial bet amount.

“If I bet 10 on odd, and the 10th is even, then the next 11th will be odd, right?”

It is a betting based on the idea that.

What if you start with an initial bet of 100,000 won?

Every time Martingale betting is successful, you earn 100,000 won.

In theory, it’s as perfect as a two-way bet.

Can you really make money with arbitrage betting?

Just a dream that can’t come true

Astute readers will know why this is theoretically perfect.

First of all, the conditions I mentioned could not have been met in the first place.

Problems with the game

First of all, a game that pays 2.0 times for a game with a 50% win rate?

There is no such game on any site.

That’s why I often use the two better options below.

Ladder, Powerball 1.98x odds

It’s hard to find a 1.98 dividend yield.

In case 1, the calculations are extremely complicated.

Since the dividend is slightly insufficient, even if you lose 6 times in a row, your initial bet will be blown away and you will start to suffer losses.

It is common for Martingale betting to lose 10 games in a row, so losing 6 games in a row is out of the question.

2.0x payout for Baccarat players

It even includes Thailand in the first place.

Because of the problem with number 1, I usually choose number 2…

There is also a problem in case 2.

The dividend was matched, but the winning percentage dropped sharply 44.62%That is the point.

The fallacy of probability

Let’s say we’re looking for the ideal game I’m talking about.

An odd-even game with a 50% win rate and a 2.0x payout.

However, there is one misconception people have here.

The illusion is that if an even number comes out 10 times in a row, there is a high probability that an odd number will come out next.

Whether it’s 5 consecutive evens or 10 consecutive evens, the probability of getting an odd number is always the same, 50%.all.

This means that if you lose by getting an even number once, the probability of getting an odd number next time does not increase.

This is called the gambler’s fallacy.

If the number of winning tickets and the amount issued are fixed for each draw like in Lotto, then it is true that the probability increases as more blank tickets are issued.

However, there is no such thing in the odd-even game, and all events are executed independently.

This means that the odds of winning are reset, meaning that no matter how many consecutive losses you have, you are always playing a game with a 50% chance.

The question of money

Finding capital is also a problem.

It is by no means negligible that the betting amount is doubled.

If you thought that an initial bet of 20,000 won would be okay, you are mistaken.

Anyone who has played baccarat knows that 10 consecutive losses is not an uncommon number.

How much will it cost if you lose 10 times in a row with 20,000 won?

20,000 won for the first time

2nd time 40,000 won

3rd time 80,000 won



10th time 10.24 million won

11th round 20.48 million won

The key here is that even if you bet thousands, you will only end up with a profit of 20,000 won.

From the 10th time, 1,2,4,000..

A ridiculous amount of money is being bet.

Let’s say you want to increase your profit per game of Martingale betting and go for 80,000 won?

The 10.24 million won section will be available starting from the 8th installment.

“Then wouldn’t it be more sustainable if we lowered the starting price?”

Even if you lower the starting amount, it will only extend the 10 million won range by one or two more times.

If it’s 10,000 won, it’s the 11th time.

If you pay 5,000 won, it will come in the 12th time.

You know, in baccarat, one result is 10 or more in a row? It happens several times a day.

Let’s also see how unreasonable the amount is.

They are betting 1,000 to 2,000 won to win 20,000 won.

There is a 50% chance of losing 10 million won or earning 20,000 won.

The problem with the maximum betting amount

Let’s say you have a huge amount of capital that can withstand 30 to 40 consecutive losses.

That is, the reader’s capital is currently infinite.

However, the problem of betting limits becomes a hindrance.

I looked for the baccarat site with the highest betting limit that I know of.

12,500 euros.

About 17 million won

This is the widest part.

10 times for 20,000 won.

With 10,000 won, you can only play up to 11 rounds.

Low return high risk

“Is it possible to lose 12 games in a row? Then I’d rather go in when there are 5 or 6 games in a row.”

Let’s say you think about it and go in late.

You earned 20 per day for 7 days, making a total of 140.


Can it not break even once for 168 hours in 7 days?

I absolutely do not think so.

If you don’t have enough Martingale betting amount for the next round…

You can turn 7 days of effort into -1000 in just a few minutes.

Rather, Paroli betting is better as it complements the shortcomings of Martingale betting.

User Reviews

Martin betting review?

I brought you the most realistic reviews from other users.

Korean - Martin betting b 4

There are many users who initially posted it because they thought it was fun.

But in the end, no one ever said they got it after time passed.conclusion

Martingale betting is perfect in theory.

However, the following betting conditions for Martin to be established cannot be met.

  1. Double odds game with 50% chance
  2. Infinite Capital
  3. Unlimited maximum bet amount

The worst bet with high risk and low return.

It is a shortcut to ruin and a betting method that cannot succeed.

Korean - Martin betting b 4
