A great achievement by Vincent Labrune, the president of the LFP and the future broadcasters of Ligue 1: that of getting almost all of our readers to agree on the fact that paying 45 euros is far too expensive to watch the French championship.
This is what seems to be in store for French viewers after the board of directors of the Professional Football League (LFP) and the Ligue 1 clubs chose the British platform DAZN to broadcast eight of the nine matches of each Ligue 1 matchday, and BeIN Sport for the last match.
” It’s too expensive “
The cost of a DAZN subscription could be around thirty euros, and even forty without commitment, added to that of BeIN Sport which is already 15 euros per month. Not far from fifty euros, then. A sum that our readers are not at all ready to pay, while the broadcasting on two different platforms already greatly annoys them, like Charles: “I sincerely believe that these price proposals are unacceptable. It’s far too expensive. In addition, this sharing, eight matches for one, one match for the other, so two subscriptions, it’s mind-boggling!”
For Jordan too, “having two separate broadcasters is simply outrageous.” Just like having to pay 45 euros per month. “To watch Ligue 1, which is clearly not the most attractive and beautiful championship to watch, let’s be honest, it’s far too expensive,” he says.
“Bad matches don’t cost more than 15 euros”
Especially in the face of competition from more and more on-demand video platforms, which are much more comprehensive. “We complain about Netflix, Amazon Prime and the like, but for less money we have more choice. Which is unlike Ligue 1, we only see matches that are not often exciting. Basically, it’s very expensive for mediocre entertainment,” says Narciso. “Netflix is around 15 euros per month. With good films. So bad matches, it’s no more than 15 euros,” summarizes Jean Christophe.
Most of our readers agree on a price between 10 and 20 euros, similar to what Amazon Prime offered in recent seasons: 14.99 euros for eight, then seven matches, in addition to the 6.99 euros Prime Video subscription. But even with this price, the American streaming platform had not met with great success, without ever officially communicating about its new subscribers.
“When we make fun of people”
So imagine with a price of 30 + 15 euros. For Jordan, the solution is obvious: “It will definitely push people to get IPTV. No point in hitting people when we make fun of them at this level. Football was a popular sport accessible to all, it saddens me to see that this is no longer the case.”
“We’re talking about paying 30 euros for an app, and 15 euros for another broadcaster, which comes to between 45 and 55 euros depending on what you choose. It’s a real shame, and then you wonder why more and more people are watching football on illegal sites,” Xavier says. Kevin hesitates between two solutions, but certainly not those chosen by the LFP: “I won’t spend that amount, I’ll either go for an IPTV or a pirate site.”
Source: www.20minutes.fr