Bad things that can happen to our vagina at 35+

So, these are the things that, unfortunately, we can hope for!

You have probably already become aware of some of the disadvantages of aging, such as wrinkles, slowed metabolism, and poorer memory, but it is important to note that our vagina is not immune to aging either and does not cope very well with age.

In fact, a whole series of changes occurs in our vagina when we turn 40. While most of the signs of aging in our intimate area, such as vaginal dryness or more frequent yeast infections, are mostly annoying, there are also changes that can be very serious.

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Here’s what it’s all about!

It can happen that our uterus falls into our vagina!

This phenomenon is professionally called prolapse, and is popularly known as “falling out of the uterus”. It is important to know that the same can happen with the bladder or rectum.

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For women with mild uterine prolapse, Kegel exercises can be helpful.

This can serve to remind us that we could do Kegel exercises every day, for prevention. If you started doing Kegel exercises, as soon as you read the previous few lines, the effect was achieved. We are glad! Just keep doing them daily.

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As for prolapse treatment, they depend on the patient’s health condition. One option is the installation of a support pad, a pessary, to support the uterus, which is inserted into the vagina to hold everything in place.

Another option is surgery, which includes the so-called, tucking in the bladder, i.e., the channel that enables its emptying, the rectum and hysterectomy, which implies the removal of the uterus and eventually, the cervix, i.e. cervix.

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Our vagina is starting to look older!

As we age, our skin begins to lose elasticity and wrinkles become more pronounced. Something similar happens to our vagina. Estrogen helps us keep our skin tight and elastic. Consequently, reduced hormonal function leads to loss of elasticity of the vagina, as a result of aging.

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This phenomenon is known as vulvo-vaginal atrophy. The vagal walls become thinner and less moist, dry, which can lead to inflammation. Kegel exercises do not help much here, but any type of activity that stimulates moistening and strengthens the affected area would help, such as, for example, sexual excitement. Doctors recommend vaginal moisturizing creams or oral estrogen.

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The uterus and entrance to the vagina can shrink and wrinkle!

In response to falling estrogen levels, the uterus can actually change size.

As a woman ages, the uterus itself tends to shrink. Which makes sense because we are no longer at childbearing age.

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Similarly, the vaginal opening can narrow with age. All tissues tend to contract, especially if they are not used. This narrowing can lead to irritation, dryness, and sometimes inflammation of the vaginal walls. A condition called atrophic vaginitis.

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If left untreated, atrophic vaginitis can cause bleeding and painful intercourse. Which means, maintaining a certain level of sexual activity can prevent narrowing, although there is no mandated rule on how often we should have sex to prevent this occurrence. Hormone therapy with estrogen may also be helpful.

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We are less and less able to control our bladder!

As time passes, the musculature and ligaments that support the pelvis begin to relax. In some cases, the urethra can actually move relative to the bladder, which can cause leakage.

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As for the stress of not being able to hold your urine – if you happen to pass a little urine when you cough or sneeze, it may mean that surgery is the only way out. In any other case, the already mentioned Kegel exercises can help significantly.

Doctors also recommend considering the installation of a pessary in the vagina, which would support the neck of the bladder.

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More frequent urinary tract infections

Due to the increasingly delicate condition of the genital tissue, as the years pass, we are more and more prone to inflammation and infections of the urinary tract. Neglecting urinary infections can progress to kidney infections, which then develop into systemic infections. It is particularly interesting that this can also cause changes in behavior, such as confusion.

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Small, micro-scratches can occur and lead to a bladder infection. What helps in that case? Cranberry juice or probiotics, as well as vaginal estrogen.

It is important to know that women can feel symptoms of urinary tract inflammation (irritation, increased frequency of urination or burning during urination) simply due to reduced hormone levels and elasticity of the vagina, without actual inflammation and infection. In this case, hormonal therapy with estrogen is the best option.

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