Banco Sabadell and ATA create a 2 billion euro line of financing for self-employed workers

He Sabadell Bank and the Association of Self-Employed Workers (ATA) have reached an agreement to create a line of financing for self-employed workers, which has funds of 2 billion euros. The aim is to continue to facilitate the activity of self-employed workers by improving their financial conditions so that they can face new challenges and projects with the aim of increasing their competitiveness in Spain, easing paperwork and financial tensions at specific times.

In a statement, it is indicated that, through this agreement, ATA members will be able to access a Catalogue of financial products and services, personalized and under preferential conditionswhich Banco Sabadell makes available to members, through the Sabadell Professional business unit. The conditions are extended to employees of members and first-degree relatives. Among the products, the following stand out: New Sabadell online account for self-employed workers that pays 2% APR, up to a balance of 20,000 euroswith no commissions or fees, and with which you can opt for a refund of 120 euros per year if you direct deposit your self-employed fee.

In addition, customers who contract the Sabadell online account for self-employed workers will have at their disposal a Second account totally free for its personal side, which is also remunerated and returns up to 3% of household electricity and gas bills. New self-employed customers who open this account will also have access to a specialized telephone customer service.

Also the online payment line for Immediately finance the usual expenses of the business –payments to suppliers, VAT, personal income tax, payrolls and Social Security–, without the need to sign before a notary and to repay in “convenient installments”, as well as on-demand point-of-sale terminals (POS) adapted to the needs of each business.

During the signing, ATA President, Lorenzo Lovehas stated that “Supporting the self-employed means supporting employment and the economic and social development of Spain”which is why Banco Sabadell is showing, with this agreement, “a special sensitivity towards a group that is at the forefront of economic recovery and employment.” For his part, the deputy general manager and territorial director of Banco Sabadell’s Centre, Jose Manuel Candelahas indicated that the signing of the agreement reaffirms the “bet and backing” of the bank to this group of self-employed workers.
