Be careful, there are also downsides: What are the disadvantages of MULCHING?

Many agricultural producers cannot imagine their production without mulching, that is, covering the soil around the plants with organic or inorganic materials. This is certainly not without reason, because mulching has numerous positive sides: it successfully prevents weeds from growing, which will reduce the time and labor invested in their control, water evaporation is reduced, especially during the summer heat, which keeps the soil moist longer, and you don’t have to constantly water your plants. This creates labor savings and lower water consumption.

Be careful, there are also downsides: What are the disadvantages of MULCHING?

Mulching has other benefits: the soil will be protected from erosion caused by precipitation and wind, large ones are prevented temperature oscillations because excessive cooling or overheating of the land is prevented, it cools a little in summer, warms in winter.

The hated penitence on the ground will not appear, it is accelerated water – air mode and if organic matter is used as mulch, it decomposes over time and they enrich the land necessary minerals.

As organic material for mulching, the following are mainly used: dry leaves, chopped sawdust, conifer needles, grass clippings, cardboard or old paper, compost, while neobranch mulch: stones and gravel (which are often used in gardens for decoration), black foil favorite in cucumber, zucchini and strawberry plantations, geotextile.

However, in addition to all these positive characteristics, it is important to know that mulch is not always the best solution. There are several reasons for this, and we present them to you.

Root vegetables do not like mulch

Although mulching is mostly used in production vegetables because it leads to faster ripening of fruits that are of better quality, it is not used in root vegetables, except for growing potatoes. The reason is simple: mulching prevents the flow of oxygen for the development of their fruit under the ground.

Root vegetablesRoot vegetables

Guide to winter mulching: Protect plant roots from the cold

Slower germination of plant seeds

One benefit of mulching also represents its disadvantages. As we said at the beginning of the text, one of the advantages of mulching is that it cools the soil during hot days, but this is not always a plus. That way it can be slow seed germination and growth of small plants which require a slightly higher soil temperature.

Mulch that is too thick causes root rot

Another positive aspect of mulch is at the same time negative. It is about keeping soil moisture. Namely, due to higher soil moisture the seed will not be able to germinate and sprouts properly, especially in soils with a high percentage of clay. Also, watch out for the thickness of the mulch because if you make a mistake, i.e. put too thick a layer, the roots of the plants will rot due to the excessive amount of water retained in the zone of that part of the plant.

Mulch can lead to the appearance of fungi

Moist organic mulch seems to have more disadvantages than advantages. When it is too close to the above-ground part of the plant (its stem), it leads to rot and occurrence of fungal diseases. Another situation that can cause fungus and rot is the bathtub the mulch “touches” the root. This can cause it to rot.

Mulching can attract snails and rodents

Mulch attracts predators and very easy, especially moist mulch which can host rodents, as well as a large number of snails. This can especially happen if you use mulching straw which can be a home for rodents. In addition, ants and other termites are lovers of mulched soil.


When it comes to snails, their use is particularly risky otkosa travel for this purpose, because if the grass is not left to dry for 24 to 48 hours before use and if it is placed in a thick layer, it leads to the attraction of these predators.

Some types of mulch make the soil acidic

Usage cut grass as a mulch it has another negative side. However, before presenting it, we must also mention some good ones: cutting the grass represents a very nutritious mulch which enriches the soil with its decomposition azotom in a completely natural way, as well as other nutrients needed by plants. It is especially used in production blue eggplant and tomatoes because it reduces fruit cracking.

And now about another negative characteristic of grass clippings as mulch: if it is regularly used a lot changes the pH value of the soil which becomes sour. Another type of organic mulch does this: pine needles. Therefore, use conifer needles for this purpose only with crops that like acidic soil: blueberries, hydrangeas…

Along with one type of mulch, it is also necessary to use nitrogen fertilizers

If you have decided to mulch your plants sawdustit is important to know one thing: this organic matter has low nitrogen concentration and add nitrogen fertilizers before mulching. However, this mulch also has its advantages: suppresses weeds well because it does not break down so easily and accelerates aeration of heavy soils which is necessary for growing crops.


Mulching – be careful which leaves you use

If you use it as mulch dry leaves take care that the thickness of its layer ranges from 5 to 8 centimeters. One more thing you have to pay attention to is the type of leaves. Oak and walnut leaves contains, for example, toxic substances. When it comes to walnuts, we are talking about hydrojuglone, which is normally not toxic and is excreted from the roots into the soil. However, it is created in contact with oxygen highly toxic juglone, the harmfulness of which is reflected in the fact that prevents the flow of necessary energy plants and this results in their wilting.

Mulch spreads an unpleasant smell

Unpleasant odors that occur as a result of work anaerobic bacteria are another disadvantage of mulching. They are especially present when used as mulch otkos travel which, as time goes on, becomes slimy and spreads a characteristic, intense unpleasant smell.

Black foil does not feed the soil

Inorganic mulch: black foil or agrotextile has benefits such as protection of cultivated plants from high or low temperatures, as well as from persistent weeds. However, it should be remembered that he does not feed the soil and that it does not break down like an organic mulch that is suitable for ecological production.
