Behind dual citizenship hides an attempt to carry out significant electoral engineering

Behind dual citizenship hides an attempt to implement significant electoral engineering, which is a red line that the government in Montenegro must not cross, announced the president of the Social Democrats of Montenegro (SD) and one of the leaders of the European Union, Damir Šehović.

SD announced that Šehović met today with the Hungarian ambassador to Montenegro, Jozef Neđeši.

The announcement states that the special focus at the meeting was on current political challenges and Montenegro’s further path towards the European Union (EU).

“Šehović emphasized the importance of the support that Hungary provided to Montenegro during its accession to NATO and expressed the belief that this support will not be absent in the process of joining the European Union, especially considering the fact that Hungary is currently presiding over the European Union,” the statement of SD reads.

The party added that Šehović also expressed “serious concern over the fact that the current government, although it declaratively supports European integration, in practice essentially promotes anti-Western values.”

“This concern is further enhanced by the fact that the key actor of the parliamentary majority, which actually imposes a political agenda on the entire government, is the former Democratic Front, known for its strongly anti-European and anti-NATO views,” the SD statement reads.

In the press release, it is also stated that Šehović “pointed out that it is especially problematic that the issue of dual citizenship has been brought up regularly in recent times, behind which, according to him, an attempt to implement significant electoral engineering is hidden, which is a red line that the authorities in Montenegro must not under any circumstances cross”.

“The very attempt to formalize that initiative would seriously destabilize the political situation in the country and slow down its progress towards the European Union, which is possible for some political subjects and is the ultimate goal of actualizing that story, since they themselves are aware that any initiative on dual citizenship is doomed in advance to failure,” said the SD president.

Šehović pointed out that the European Union will do everything to prevent this development, convinced that many other political and social actors, as well as the majority of citizens, would strongly oppose it.

“Also, he pointed to the continuity of good election results of the European Union in local elections and expressed confidence that this series of successes will continue in the upcoming election contests, after which, almost certainly, there will be a change of government. At the end of the meeting, the interlocutors agreed that the European perspective of Montenegro must remain a key priority. It was emphasized that it is necessary for all political and social structures to work together and dedicate themselves to achieving this goal. Only through intensive efforts and a clear commitment can Montenegro accelerate the formalization of its membership in the European Union. with the expected support of international partners,” reads the SD announcement.

The meeting was also attended by the deputy ambassador Mira Vuić, as well as the general secretary of the SD Miloš Čelanović.

