Belfort police punish speed enthusiasts!

In recent days, the Belfort gendarmes have stepped up speed checks on the roads and have fined many motorists.

During new speed checks, the Belfort Motorized Platoon has cracked down on numerous speeding offences on the roads.

Tighter speed controls in the Territoire de Belfort

In the Territory of Belfortthe gendarmes have stepped up speed checks in recent days. They have fined many motorists and motorcyclists who were in too much of a hurry. In just a few hours, they managed to intercept nearly twenty drivers speeding. Placed on the D83 In Lachapelle-sous-Rougemont, the soldiers of the Belfort Motorized Platoon have done well.

Among these drivers, two reckless motorcyclists were arrested by the police. They were driving at more than 50 km/h over the authorized limit, one of whom 180 km/h. Thus, following these excessive speeding offences, the two motorcyclists lost their driving licences and their motorbikes were logically sent to the pound.

These heavy ones sanctions did not stop there. Shortly after, seven other drivers were fined for speeding between 20 and 30 km/h over the authorized speed limit. Four others were arrested for speeding between 30 and 40 km/h over the authorized speed limit. However, even after the summer period, the police remain determined to enforce road safetyTheir desire to crack down on speeding continues to grow.

The Belfort Motorized Peloton seeks to improve safety on the roads

A few days later, a second operation allowed the Belfort gendarmes to intercept other drivers who were in a bit too much of a hurry. Four speeding offences were recorded, including one at more than 50 km/h above the maximum speed. This driver was heavily fined with a licence withdrawal and his Renault Clio was impounded.

All over France, the gendarmes are determined to reduce speeding. This is particularly the case in the Territoire de Belfort where the police have increased the number of checks in recent days. Speeding is often synonyms of danger on the roads. Thanks to its presence on the roadsides, the Belfort Motorized Peloton hopes deter reckless drivers.

The vigilance on the roads is very crucial, but maintain a certain level of safety. In addition, excessive speed can cause serious accidents. However, drivers tempted to exceed the limits are now warned, zero tolerance is required.
