Between the French and the industry, it’s “I love you, me neither”, according to our exclusive survey

While reindustrialization has become a priority of public policies for around ten years and before the economic situation has stalled with a certain wait-and-see attitude in terms of investment, we wanted to explore the relationship of the French to national industry. This exclusive study carried out with our partners CCI France and La Fabrique de la Cité (Vinci think tank) answers many questions: how do our fellow citizens see the present and future of the industry? How do they perceive its role? Its environmental approach? Are they planning to work there or not?

Image and role in the economy

The French have a rather good image of the industry. But years of deindustrialization have left their mark: a minority of French people associate industry and jobs, while this sector has created nearly 130,000 net jobs since 2017. We especially notice a divide over its future. If 60% of master’s graduates say they are confident about the future of the industry, this is only 25% of non-graduates. However, a clear majority considers it essential to the country’s economy and calls for renewed support from public authorities. Some sectors are more popular than others.


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Industry and the environment

The relocation of industry to avoid importing products from the other side of the world emerges as a priority. However, the French ignore or overestimate the share of industry in France’s greenhouse gas emissions: almost half think that it contributes more than 25%, 19% do not comment. And this, while the industry actually accounts for 18% of the country’s greenhouse emissions. A majority of our fellow citizens, and particularly young people aged 18 to 35, even think that the industry has increased its emissions over the past thirty years even though it has reduced them by half. Our fellow citizens are nevertheless betting that a green industry is possible in France. If on the ground, the “not in my backyard” movements speak out against the establishment of factories, the French are overwhelmingly in favor (69%)…but within a controlled framework. with conditions of local employment, improvement of infrastructure, reduction of the environmental footprint).

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Industry and work

This is the downside of this study, which undoubtedly reflects more imagination than experience, since only 10% of the people interviewed in our panel are employed in the industry and 32% know someone who works. in this sector. The idea of ​​making a career there is very much in the minority, and on HR issues, including remuneration, we observe a real lack of comparative attractiveness. This question of remuneration is, however, better rated by young people from a master’s level. The sector is seen as accessible to women but the issue of gender equality is noted as less well addressed than in other sectors. A note of hope, industrial companies are seen as the most interesting for a young graduate at the start of their career, ahead of those in services, commerce or the civil service.

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Survey carried out by Infopro Digital with the support of CCI France and La Fabrique de la Cité (Vinci) from April 2 to May 20, 2024 on a sample of 1,000 respondents adjusted using the quota method on criteria of gender, age, CSP , region and household composition according to INSEE.
