Biden admits he would drop out of the presidential race if he had a serious medical problem

US President Joe Biden said in an interview with Ed Gordon of the Chanel Breaking Entertainment News which will be made public on Wednesday that he would reconsider his decision to continue campaigning for the November elections if a doctor diagnosed him with a serious medical problem.

Asked what circumstances would make him reconsider his continued presence in the race, Biden replied: “If I had a medical condition, if doctors came to me and told me I had this problem or that problem.”

In his last interview with NBC, the American president was questioned about the pressure to drop out of the race, following criticism from important members of the Democratic Party such as Nancy Pelosi, who subtly questioned Biden’s decision to stay on as a candidate. The journalist asked him if after everything that happened last week (the lapse where he confused the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, with the Russian Vladimir Putin) had made him reconsider. Biden’s answer was a brief “no.”

Just this afternoon, another Democratic congressman, Adam Schiff, called on Joe Biden to withdraw his candidacy and abandon his hopes of being re-elected in the November elections.

Schiff is an influential congressman who was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, led the process of the first ‘impeachment‘ against former President Donald Trump and is favored to win a Senate seat in the upcoming November elections.

The congressman is also a close ally of Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, who has been ambiguous in her public comments about whether Biden should remain the Democratic nominee for the White House. “While the decision to withdraw from the campaign is solely President Biden’s, I believe it is time for him to pass the baton,” Schiff said in a statement.

With Schiff, there are now 23 Democratic congressmen who have asked Biden to step aside to make way for another candidate. He is the first to do so since the assassination attempt against former president and Republican candidate for the White House, Donald Trump (2017-2021).

Polls predict Trump will win the White House election in November, with the majority of the votes expected to be in the key states.

Biden’s controversial performance during the presidential debate held at the end of June sparked a movement within the party to force his withdrawal before he is officially proclaimed candidate in the coming weeks.
