Bill on Amendments to the Village Law and Some Laws, in the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly

Before starting the discussions on the proposal, DEM Party Group Deputy Chairman Sezai Temelli claimed that the regulation was “unconstitutional” and requested a procedural discussion. Thereupon, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Bekir Bozdağ gave the floor to the MPs, both in favor and against.

AK Party Bilecik Deputy Halil Eldemir stated that the proposal was not contrary to the Constitution and was accepted by the TBMM Public Works, Zoning, Transportation and Tourism Commission and said, “If you have a claim of unconstitutionality in any article of the proposal, the Constitution regarding the relevant article will be taken into account while the articles are being discussed.” “You can make a motion of contradiction, and the motion you make is placed at the top of all motions, and as a result, action is taken accordingly and submitted to the discretion of the General Assembly.” he said.

DEM Party Mersin Deputy Ali Bozan stated that they submitted a motion of unconstitutionality regarding the 9th article of the bill, which regulates the duties and powers of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, and the 16th article, which regulates the duties and powers of the Urban Transformation Directorate, and requested the withdrawal of these articles. he wanted.

CHP Istanbul Deputy Gökan Zeybek stated that in the 9th article of the proposal, which regulates the duties and powers of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, “To prepare the legislation regarding architecture and engineering professional organizations regarding the issues within the scope of duty of the Ministry and to supervise them.” Regarding the provision, “Article 124 of the Constitution stipulates that these organizations can regulate their own legislation and has not given any authority to the Ministry in this regard. You are bringing to yourself with a law an authority that is not given by the Constitution. No body can use an authority that does not derive its source from the Constitution, even by law.” .” shared his opinion.

After the speeches of the MPs, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Bozdağ stated that there was no change in my attitude towards starting the discussions on the proposal. The General Assembly then began discussions on the entire proposal.

“Laws enacted urgently bring with them a number of problems”

Speaking on the entire proposal, DEM Party Batman Deputy Zeynep Oduncu Kutevi argued that the regulation does not serve the goal of creating a safe living space against social needs and disaster risks.

Speaking on behalf of the İYİ Party Group, Istanbul Deputy Ersin Beyaz said that the government made the legislative proposals that it wanted to enact quickly, through the omnibus law application in a wide range, and that the urgently enacted laws brought with them a number of problems. White stated that trying to make laws quickly does not allow the opposition party MPs who are members of the commission to do enough work and get opinions from relevant institutions, professionals and non-governmental organizations, and stated that this situation is against the primary responsibility of parliaments and the reason for the existence of democracy.

Reminding that the proposal consists of 26 articles, Beyaz said, “Only 1 article is being amended in the Village Law. As the name suggests, our nation does not understand at first glance the issue of ‘change in some laws’, which consists of 23 articles. Subordinate commissions are not included in the process, and their opinions are not available on the articles that concern them in terms of subject.” “A legal process that is not notified is unacceptable.” he said.

“The inspection of our buildings will be made more stringent”

MHP Giresun Deputy Ertuğrul Gazi Konal pointed out that the bill has a wide impact area extending from villages to cities.

Noting that the regulation aims to make significant contributions to Turkey in vital areas such as rural development, zoning regulations, urban transformation and environmental management, Konal said, “The changes in the content of the proposal are of critical importance for the future of both our social life and our country.” he said.

Stating that it is envisaged to extend the legal periods for the completion of ongoing projects in the villages, Konal said, “Rural development projects may be subject to delays from time to time due to bureaucratic processes, weather conditions and other unexpected reasons. This regulation aims to ensure that rural infrastructure projects continue without interruption and thus ensures that our citizens living in our villages “Living standards will be increased. Promoting rural development and ensuring local welfare is also a key element in reducing migration from villages to cities.” made his evaluations.

Konal pointed out that the proposal aims to increase building safety and make inspection processes more effective, and said, “The safety of buildings, especially in regions at risk of earthquakes, is of critical importance for the life safety of our citizens. Thanks to these regulations, the inspection of our buildings will be made more stringent and will be revealed in case of a possible disaster.” “The damages that may occur will be minimized.” he said.

“Should we take away these rights just because they didn’t pay their installments?”

AK Party Istanbul Deputy Mustafa Demir pointed out the regulation in the bill regarding the “extension of the period given to those who do not build buildings for various reasons or who do not pay their installments on real estate sold to those in need who reside in the village and are registered with the village population but do not have a house, until December 31, 2028.” “Should we take away these rights of our citizens living in the village just because they did not pay their installments?” posed the question.

Stating that zoning plans are the constitution of the city, Demir said, “There are gaps between the zoning plans and the construction. We are solving these now.” he said.

Parliament Deputy Speaker Bekir Bozdağ adjourned the meeting after the completion of the negotiations on the entire proposal.

After the break, Bozdağ closed the meeting to meet at 14.00 after the commission did not take its place.
